Game Oriented Assembly Lisp

Game Oriented Assembly Lisp (or GOAL) is a video game programming language developed by Andy Gavin and the Jak and Daxter team at Naughty Dog. It was written using Allegro Common Lisp and used in the development of the entire Jak and Daxter series of games.

Syntactically GOAL resembles Scheme, though with many idiosyncratic features such as classes, inheritance, and virtual functions.[1] GOAL encourages an imperative programming style: programs tend to consist of a sequence of events to be executed rather than the functional programming style of functions to be evaluated recursively. This is a diversion from Scheme, which allows such side-effects but does not encourage imperative style.

GOAL does not run in an interpreter, but instead is compiled directly into PlayStation 2 machine code for execution. It offers limited facilities for garbage collection, relying extensively on runtime support. It offers dynamic memory allocation primitives designed to make it well-suited to running in constant memory on a video game console. GOAL has extensive support for inlined assembly code using a special rlet form,[1] allowing programmers to freely mix assembly and higher-level constructs within the same function.

The GOAL compiler is implemented in Allegro Common Lisp. It supports a long term compiling listener session which gives the compiler knowledge about the state of the compiled and therefore running program, including the symbol table. This, in addition to dynamic linking, allows a function to be edited, recompiled, uploaded, and inserted into a running game without having to restart. The process is similar to the "edit and continue" feature offered by some C++ compilers, but allows the programmer to replace arbitrary amounts of code (even up to entire object files), and does not interrupt the running game with the debugger. This feature was used to implement code as well as level streaming in the Jak and Daxter games.

GOAL's first use was for the Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy game. The predecessor language, Game Oriented Object Lisp (GOOL), was also developed by Andy Gavin for the Crash Bandicoot game.

Since Naughty Dog no longer employs GOAL's primary development and maintenance engineer and they were under pressure from their new parent company (Sony) to share technology between studios, Naughty Dog transitioned away from Lisp.[2] However, they have since resumed using it for scripting on some PlayStation 3 games, including The Last of Us.[3]


  1. 1 2 An example of what GOAL code looks like can be found at
  2. Shumaker, Scott (8 Aug 2005). "[Sweng-gamedev] Higher Level Languages (Was: Next Gen Multiplatform Load Balancing". sweng-gamedev mailinglist. Archived from the original on 2007-07-20. Retrieved 2017-11-05. In all honesty, the biggest reason we're not using GOAL for next-gen development is because we're now part of Sony. I can only imagine Sony's shock when they purchased Naughty Dog a few years back, hoping to be able to leverage some of our technology across other Sony studios, and then realized that there was no way anyone else would be able to use any of our codebase. Sony wants us to be able to share code with other studios, and this works both ways - both other studios using our code and vice versa. Add this to the difficulty curve of learning a new language for new hires, lack of support from external development tools (we had our own compiler, linker, and debugger, and pretty much had to use Emacs as our IDE), etc, means that there are clearly a lot of other factors involved. Note, however, that these issues aren't really technical problems, they're social ones.
  3. Examples of Lisp used in The Last of Us. Anthony Newman (28 Oct 2017). Unsynced: The Last of Us Melee System (Videotape). Game Developer's Conference. 37 minutes in. Retrieved 5 Nov 2017.
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