Forum of Indian Leftists

The Forum of Inquilabi Leftists (FOIL), is a group of over 300 left-wing activists[1] of Indian background. The organization describes itself as 'a clearinghouse for radical Indian activists in the United States, Canada and England' . Its purpose is described by its founders as 'some place for us to share information, offer support, and encourage each other to write in the open media on issues pertaining to Indians overseas and India itself, and help build projects that make our radical politics more material' .[2]


Two of the co-founders of FOIL are Biju Mathew and Vijay Prashad.[3][4]

IDRF controversy

On November 20, 2002 FOIL published a report, titled 'The Foreign Exchange of Hate IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva',[5] accusing the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF), an organization which raised money in the United States, of 'funding hate' for sending money to Indian movements that participated in the attacks of Muslims in Gujarat, India in 2002. The report was termed as misleading Marxist propaganda by IDRF who later published a report of their own[6][7] responding to the charges leveled by FOIL.


  1. South Asian leftists condemn attacks Published in the Tuesday, October 2, 2001 Edition of The Heights
  2. , Forum Of Indian Leftists (FOIL) websites
  3. Hindutva For a Few Dollars a Day (author info). People's Democracy, Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  4. Building a U.S./South Asian left, Somayaji, Chitra ,November 1, 1998 ,Copyright Economic Affairs Bureau Nov/Dec 1998
  5. The Foreign Exchange of Hate IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva,© 2002, Sabrang Communications & Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India, and The South Asia Citizens Web, France
  6. A Factual Response to the Hate Attack on the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF), © Friends of India and Authors of the Report
  7. Facts About the Attack on the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) by Sabrang Communications and the Forum of Indian Leftists (FOIL), Friends of India December 25, 2002


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