Football in Beijing

Football is the popular sport, both in terms of participants and spectators, in Beijing. Beijing has several of China's significant football clubs, and the city is home to many football clubs.


Modern football passed in Beijing in the late 19th century.The football initially popular at school. in the 1940s. became well-known the Beijing football's outstanding players and more from the University. Since then. the sport gradually transition from school to society has become Beijing people read to children. Ancient China and Beijing football. modern football spread incoming three football schools in Beijing four college football talent five Beijing people read to children in football is the openness of the Beijing soccer.[1]


The table below lists all Tokyo clubs.

Division Club Founded Status Note
Chinese Super LeagueBeijing Guoan1951Professional
Chinese Super LeagueBeijing Renhe1995Professional
China League OneBeijing BG2004
China League TwoBeijing BIT2000


Beijing derby



  1. "The contemporary Beijing Football History of Jin Shan forward Genuine Mall(Chinese Edition)". JIN SHAN ZHU.

See also

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