Figueiredo Report

The Figueiredo report is an investigative report by public prosecutor Jader de Figueiredo Correia, published in 1967, detailing the crimes committed by the Indigenous Protection Service (SPI) against the native peoples of Brazil.[1] The report had been commissioned by Minister of the Interior Albuquerque Lima, but had minimal repercussions for those involved.[2] The report uncovered numerous incidents of genocide, torture, abduction, enslavement, biological and chemical warfare, sexual abuse, and land theft committed upon the indigenous peoples in Brazil.

The Figueiredo commission investigated many of the massacres committed against the Indians, such as the Massacre at Parallel 11 (against the Cinta Larga people) and the mass poisoning with sugar laced with Arsenic of the Tapayuna people.[3][4] International human rights organization Survival International was founded in 1969, after Norman Lewis published excerpts of the reports in the Sunday Times.[5]

The then Brazilian minister of the Interior, Albuquerque Lima sacked more than 50 government officials after the report was published. A new Indian protection agency, Fundação Nacional do Índio was formed to replace the Serviço de Proteção ao Índio.

The report itself consists of more than 7,000 pages, divided into 30 chapters (one of the chapters is lost).[6]

See also


  1. Watts, Jonathan; Rocha, Jan. "Brazil's 'Lost Report' into Genocide Surfaces after 40 Years". The Guardian. Retrieved 7 March 2017.
  2. Cando, Felipe. "Brazil: Entire Tribes Massacred". Latin America Bureau. Retrieved 7 March 2017.

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