Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze

The Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze is a tertiary education institution located in Umunze, Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria[1][2].


Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze in Anambra State is one of the eight (8) colleges of Education (Technical) established by Decree No. 4 of 14th march, 1986. Perhaps its take off would have been delayed further if not for two principal personages who literarily induced the birth of the college. First was the late Igwe (Dr.) M.N. Ugochukwu, LLB, OFR, and the Pioneer Provost Dr. T.I. Eze. At its inception, the College moved to Umunze in November 1989, following a presidential directive. At Umunze, the Institution inherited buildings of the former All Saints Anglican Secondary School. At present, the infrastructures inherited from the school are being renovated. In some places in this temporary site of the college, completely new administrative blocks, classrooms, multipurpose hall, school and staff offices, science laboratories, inter-communication networks, computer room, hostels and workshops have sprung up, with heavy machines to reflect the status of a modern technology education environment. In 1999/2000, the administration of Dr. C. V. Nnaka (Mrs.) made a deliberate effort to move the college to her permanent site at Nsogwu with the erection of a building to house the School of Agric and Home Economics Education. Lectures have already started at the permanent site.

The college set up her Staff Primary School in 1991 to cater for the needs of staff and their wards. With a handful of teachers and school, children at inception, the population of both teachers and children has grown steadily since then. Although the Staff Primary School is still operating from rented buildings nearby, it is expected that the college will put up its own primary school building in the permanent site located at Nsogwu village.

Furthermore, in 1994, the college set up a subsidiary Demonstration, Secondary School at a nearby town of Eziaqu to cater for the needs of staff and our ever growing Primary School graduates, The aim of the college in establishing this Demonstration School is to demonstrate in practical terms what a model secondary school should be in a period of economic recession and worsening structural adjustment programmes, At its inception, the school had about eleven members of staff and twenty-eight boys and girls. Since then, the population of both staff and students has grown steadily and it is still growing. It is gratifying to observe that the performance of staff and children in both our Primary and Secondary schools in ensuring qualitative education has been encouraging especially when viewed from their performance in external examinations.

Finally, the college took off under the leadership of the pioneer provost, Dr. T. I. Eze at the temporary site in 1990. Lectures commenced with a handful of staff and pioneer students in May 1990. Because of the crisis in which the college was engulfed in 1996, the founding provost was removed from office following the recommendation of an Administrative Panel of Enquiry set up by the Federal Government. In the interim, the Deputy Provost, Mr. O. Ibe was directed to oversee the college pending the appointment of a new provost.

History was however, made on 10th May, 1990, when the College gate was flung open to the pioneer students who had been waiting anxiously for the take off of the College academic programme. The College started with 70 Students made up of 23 males and 47 females. All the past Provosts and the Acting Provosts have transformed the institution into a modern tertiary school among its equal. The incumbent Provost Prof. J. O. Ogbuagu mni has further raised the bar by making the College a degree awarding institution with an increase in population of about 1200 in degree programmes, 6000 in NCE and 455 in Post graduate diploma programme.


Administratively, the College has seven schools, namely:
School of Agric and Home Economics Education,
School of Business Education,
School of Computer and Science Education,
School of Education and Technical Teachers Certificate,
School of Fine and Applied Arts Education,
School of General studies and Pre-NCE
School of Industrial Technical Education


  • Dr. T. I. Eze (Pioneer Provost:1989 - 1997)
  • Mr. Ibe (Acting:)
  • Dr. C. V. Nnaka (Mrs.) (1998 - 2006)
  • Dr. Ogalanya (Acting:)
  • Dr. Orikpe (Acting:)
  • Prof. J. O. Ogbuagu mni (2010 - 2017)
  • Dr. C. N. Ibekwe (Mrs.)(Acting; 2018)
  • Dr. T. O. Okoli (Mrs.)(2018 - Date)


  1. "Community seeks varsity status for college - The Nation Nigeria". The Nation Nigeria. 2017-08-10. Retrieved 2017-08-30.
  2. Nwachukwu, John Owen (2017-08-17). "College of Education lecturers issue FG 48-hour strike notice". Daily Post Nigeria. Retrieved 2017-08-30.
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