Far-right social centres

Far-right social centres are community spaces inspired by neo-fascist and Third Position ideas. The most famous is the Italian movement CasaPound.


First far-right social centres were founded in Italy in 1980s.[1] In 1990 members of Fronte della Gioventù of the Italian Social Movement squatted a building in Rome and founded a social centre called Il Bartolo.[2][3] In 1998 Italian activists squatted a building in Rome and created a social centre called PortAperta. They organized some concerts in the building.

In 2002 neo-fascists squatted a building in and created social centre called CasaMontag.[4] On 20 September 2002 Italian nationalists squatted a building in Rome and created the Foro 753 social centre.[5]


CasaPound building in Rome

On 26 December 2003 Italian neo-fascists squatted a building in Esquiline Hill and founded the CasaPound social centre.[6] In June 2008 CasaPound therefore constituted an "association of social promotion" and assumed the current name CasaPound Italy. Currently the movement CPI has a lot of social centres in Italy. Some of them are Circolo Futurista Casalbertone in Rome[7] and Casa d'Italia in Colleverde. Social centre Area 19 was evicted in 2015.


In Spain there are far-right social centres in Madrid and Zaragoza. Hogar Social Zaragoza is a building squatted in June 2014. Hogar Social Ramiro Ledesma (Ramiro Ledesma Social Home) is a movement founded in 2014 in Madrid.[8][9] Members of HSM squatted some buildings[10][11] and organized demonstrations with some thousands participants.[12]


In 2016 members of Azov Battalion founded the social centre, Cossack House (Ukrainian: Козацький Дім) in Azov HQ in Kiev.[13] As they said, they are inspired by Italian CasaPound.[14] In the building there are a library of the literary club "Flame" (Ukrainian: Літературний клуб "Пломінь"), sports club, a recording studio and tattoo saloon.[15]

Other countries

Some nationalists in Germany are trying to create their own social centres.[16]

See also


  1. Domenico Di Tullio, Centri sociali di destra, Castelvecchi, 2006, s. 40-41
  2. "Okkupazioni, destra in cerca di identitàCentri sociali e case occ upate, un fenomeno nato quando l'Msi cominciò a diffidare dei su oi estremisti".
  3. Occupazione Portuense: a via Bartolucci torna ‘Il Bartolo’
  4. "Il centro sociale? Anche di Destra Ecco le Occupazioni Non Conformi - la Repubblica.it".
  5. "www.753.it". www.753.it.
  6. "Fasci metropolitani. Viaggio nelle catacombe nere".
  7. "Circolo Futurista". www.circolofuturista.org.
  8. "Hogar Social Madrid: el colectivo neonazi que reparte comida "solo para españoles", protesta frente al Ayuntamiento y ataca la mezquita".
  9. "Hay un neonazi en mi archivo del NO-DO".
  10. "El grupo neonazi desalojado de Tetuán en septiembre ocupa otro inmueble en Madrid".
  11. "Xenofobia y caridad: ayuda sólo para españoles".
  12. "Madrid: Thousands Rally against Invasion".
  13. "Козацький дім відкрито".
  14. "AZOV drops by the Milan branch of Casapound Italia..." RECONQUISTA.
  15. "Cossack House: we'll return the glory of..." RECONQUISTA.
  16. "Neue Rechte auf Italiens Straßen" (PDF).
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