F*ck Tea

The F*ck Tea campaign, launched in August 2010 by The Agenda Project, was aimed to dismiss the Tea Party and promote the progressive cause. It involved a website,[1] merchandise such as mugs and T-Shirts, polling statistics demonstrating the ignorance of the Tea Party, and a mocking video.[2]

According to founder Erica Payne, the Tea Party began in response to the bank bailouts to push against the bought-and-paid-for politicians, which she appreciated. However, they quickly turned to attacking healthcare and spouting rhetoric. They abandoned financial regulation. She felt it was irresponsible to begin a party based on an issue and then ignore it, so she created this initiative.[3]

The name of the campaign was chosen in order to be provocative, to market the counter-movement, and to better engage typical Americans in the campaign.

The campaign received attention from various news sources, including:


  1. Fuck Tea Website
  2. Fuck Tea Video
  3. Agenda Project, The. "Fuck Tea: Explained" "CBS News", August 19, 2010, accessed July 8, 2011.
  4. Yglesias, Matthew. "F*ck Tea", "Think Progress", July 23, 2010, accessed July 8, 2011.
  5. Smith, Ben. "Dem group launches 'F*ck Tea' campaign", "Politico", August 12, 2010, accessed July 8, 2011.
  6. Kristol, Bill. "Collapse", "The Weekly Standard", August 23, 2010, accessed July 8, 2011.
  7. Condon, Stephanie. "Liberals Start "F*ck Tea" Party Campaign", "CBS News - Politics", August 12, 2010, accessed July 8, 2011.
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