Ezio Testa

Ezio Testa (born 1961) is an Italian fiction author and poet. Born in the northern port city of Genoa, he has been a prolific writer and has achieved critical acclaim. He has produced dozens of short stories, novels and poems, including a 1994 anthology titled Collected Stories dedicated to his early works from 1975-91.

Selected works

In addition to his early works, his first novel came in 1993 and was titled “Alpha and Omega," a science fiction epic which explores the human condition in a new world. In 1995-96, he wrote a poetry series titled “Come l'acqua," marked by sadness, nostalgia and melancholy. In 1997, he produced two books: “Quotidiano,” a collection of poems of everyday life, and “The Shelter," a humorous and satirical novel. At the end of 1997, he produced “Ai confini della gloria," a collection of stories that attained critical acclaim.

In 1998, he followed up on "Alpha and Omega" with another science fiction work titled “Il Lupo" In 1999, he wrote “Armonie” another novel. That same year, he wrote a collection of poems titled “To the Dawn I Try for You," which also received critical acclaim. In 2000, he produced “Il viaggio di Maria," a continuation of “Armonie”. In 2001, he wrote a short story titled “The Aquarius of Don Orione." In December 2001, he produced another collection of poems. In 2002, he wrote “Enough Red Apples," a collection that followed up on his 1997 book, "Daily Paper." In 2003, he produced “Poesie all'ombra di Giotto," which narrates the life of Jesus.

In July 2004 sees the light, by the publisher Montedit, the publication of his book Basta mele rosse, a poetic anthology that, borrowing the title of a previous collection, traces the many years of production by offering his works more representative. The realization of the volume, was undoubtedly a milestone for the author, but has also meant an opportunity to stop and reread himself with a critical eye, forcing him to a selective discrimination, but also to grasp, which exegete of himself, one style and a common thought, to perceive and consolidate consciously mutuandoli to today to be a foundation for its future development.

E 'instead of October 2005, the opportunity and the honor of seeing inserted its own preface to the work of a new author Genoa Claudio Fichera. Introspective poet and never obvious, capable of leading the reader into plans always inaccessible, requiring perseverance and attention to be participatory, the author shares with long-standing friendship and the frequent occasion of intellectual exchange. A preface that he wanted to be certainly a privilege, but also a wish to keep that route pointing off without ever losing sight of the bank notes, the hinterland, the origins. La fiaba delle maree tidal volume, published by Montedit, was widely circulated and awards. E 'can read this preface between works featured on this site.

In 2005 sees the light of Trasparenze, an anthology of poetry. The project, the publisher Chinaski, wanted to give voice to a chorus of poets Genoese very heterogeneous between them, through style and different sensibilities, have contributed by proposing a different and original translation of a world close to shore but far d 'experience and culture. Just this multifaceted vision, is the value constituting the anthology. Individual verses that, together, they offer a synergistic interpretation.

E 'instead of 2006 Il gatto di Genova. Chinaski editions of a book which contains short stories and long that, at most, have had awards in national and international competitions. This remains the most beloved author. In it, in fact, he saw a tribute to the production of many years of operation and different satisfactions. Fruit selection and endless minimal improvements which posticipavano indefinite output, is finally released in attractive graphics, guaranteeing also a wide distribution throughout Italy.

In February 2007 he sees the light 44 Scimmie (col resto di due). Forty-six short stories starring nonhuman worlds where man has not yet come or already extinct. Metaphors and ironies in a love elsewhere next the inconvenience and hopes, in tribulations and consolations. A particular book in the writing that has been, for the standards of the author, exceedingly fast. Short writings etched cast in a few months, make a work unique in the panorama of ETproduzioni.

From 2007 to mid-2008, the author was engaged in writing his novel broader: Sherlock Holmes, tempo in scacco. An ambitious work, full of historical references to both a post-Victorian London that a country of emigration Liguria, where Italians desperate trying to regain hope looking away, across a sea full of promise. Action, history and science fiction but, above all, the search for an atmosphere in black and white that brings the old movies with Basil Rathbon but, above all, to the canonical texts of the unmatchable Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

We are in 2009 and it is only right to point out the entry in the ninth year of release of the monthly SUNFLOWER. The author, not without effort, continues to keep alive this flame of vivid memories and reflections.

In 2014 it is published Il lento naufragare dei ricordi. A novel set in 1819 that shows the atmosphere of an England struggling with the industrial revolution and the first protests on the living conditions of the workers in the factories. It 'the first of the "Trilogy of the sea"

At the end of 2014 it has finished drafting: Il mare svela. Set during the 1820s, it takes up the story of some characters introduced in the first novel, and it leads to the conclusion some plots. The setting moves and stretches from London to the American coast, facing the hardships and dangers of the ocean. Second volume of the "Trilogy of the sea".

At the beginning of 2015, he sees the light on the third novel in the "Trilogy of the sea": Suzanne Barker, i colori del mare (working title). The plot unfolds in 1821 and sees end textures still open in the trilogy. The protagonists, the dramatic difficulties hidden in a sea of a thousand reflections distressing, continue their action in an America struggling with the moral and social phenomenon of slavery. And 'being collected volume of poems written in a year of intense poetic (Frames per year).

In October 2015 I wanted to meddle in Sherlock Holmes, tempo in scacco. The reasons for the partial rewrite, was the desire to set the action described in the novel, in a science fiction universe original and credible. In it, the colonization of other terrestrial planets is now a reality, as were the difficulties of long years of expansion and decades of war to alien species. A fleet made up of powerful and fast ships and men can face extreme situations, even light years from command, it was established to protect the portion of the galaxy under our control. This coalition of men and planets, called the Alliance, in which new players act, able to make a difference even in the most critical. Men of various personalities but united by a solid friendship, loyalty and fleet belonging to the same ship, the Victory AS-07.[1]


  1. "Google Translate". translate.google.com. Retrieved 2018-08-09.
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