Eurydice of Thebes

In Greek mythology, Eurydice (/jʊəˈrɪdɪsi/; Greek: Εὐρυδίκη, Eὐrudíkē "wide justice", derived from ευρυς eurys "wide" and δικη dike "justice) sometimes called Henioche, was the wife of Creon, a king of Thebes. She appears briefly in Sophocles' Antigone (as an "archetypal grieving, saddened mother" and an older counterpart to Antigone[1]), to kill herself after learning, from a messenger, that her son Haemon and his betrothed, Antigone, have both committed suicide. She thrusts a sword into her heart and curses Creon for the death of her two sons: Haemon and Megareus. Haemon killed himself because his father Creon had unjustly killed Antigone, to whom he was engaged.[2]


  1. Segal, Charles (1999). Tragedy and Civilization: An Interpretation of Sophocles. U of Oklahoma P. pp. 190–95. ISBN 9780806131368.
  2. Sophocles. Ant.1180, 1300 and passim
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