Erik W. Jakobsen

Erik Werner Jakobsen (born 1967) is a business economist with a PhD in economics from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen. Currently, Mr. Jakobsen is partner and chair of the board in Menon Business Economics, a research-based consultancy with approx. 40 economists qualified at MSc and PhD-level. In addition, he holds a part-time position as professor in strategic management at University College of South-East Norway.[1] Earlier, Erik Jakobsen has been the leader of BI Norwegian Business School's Centre for Value Creation and project manager for the research project A value-creating Norway (Et verdiskapende Norge). Mr. Jakobsen is the author of several books and articles, including Hvem eier Norge (Universitetsforlaget); Et verdiskapende Norge (Universitetsforlaget); Ekspansjon og konsernstrategi (Gyldendal); and Attracting the winners (Kolofon). He has 25 years of experience as researcher, adviser and lecturer. His areas of expertise are strategic analysis, ownership and corporate strategy, organizational design, cluster-based industry development and economic policy.


  • Lasse B. Lien and Erik W. Jakobsen, Ekspansjon og konsernstrategi, Gyldendal Akademisk 2015
  • Jakobsen, Erik W., Christian Mellbye and Øystein Sørvig (2015): The Leading maritime capitals of the world. Menon publ. no 22/2015 [2]
  • Mellbye, Christian, Erik W. Jakobsen and Yuriy Zhovtobryukh (2015): GCE Blue Maritime – Global Performance Benchmark. Menon publ. no 34/2015 [3]
  • Olsson, Nils; Frydenberg, Stein; Jakobsen, Erik W.; Jessen, Svein Arne. In search of project substance: how do private investors evaluate projects?. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2010; Volume 3 Iss 2, pp. 257–274
  • Grünfeld, L.A. and Jakobsen, E. W., Hvem eier Norge? Eierskap og verdiskaping i et grenseløst næringsliv. Universitetsforlaget 2006
  • Fjeldstad, Ø. and Jakobsen, E.W.: Transaction Organizations and Transaction Cost: A theoretical investigation of the domain expansion decisions in firms employing a mediating technology. Scandinavian Journal of Management 2005, vol 21, pp. 77–100
  • Erik W. Jakobsen, Ari Marjamaa and Martin Vikesland: Attracting the winners: The competitiveness of five European Maritime Industries. Kolofon Forlag 2003
  • Torger Reve and Erik W. Jakobsen, Et verdiskapende Norge, Universitetsforlaget 2001


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