Emerald Academy

Emerald Academy, situated in Sagarmatha Chowk, Bhadrapur, Jhapa, Nepal is one of the best higher secondary schools in the Jhapa district. The school is known for its academic excellence among schools in the Jhapa district. Emerald Academy was originally established as a secondary school.

The main building was used for kindergarten, junior education, and various activities such as music, sports, and assemblies. Emerald Academy also opened a branch in Ekantakuna Lalitpur. This branch included only one building until 2003, when Emerald Academy purchased another building across the road. This second branch was used for secondary education.

At one point in its history, Emerald Academy collapsed due to financial issues. However, the institution recently opened a new branch of Montessori Kindergarten in New Baneshor, Kathmandu. Bhadrapur's Emerald Academy is currently undergoing expansion. The school has completed construction.

Emerald Academy has been able do provide competent manpower to the country. Emerald is best known for the discipline that it's student have including the good chemistry among its teachers and students.The school has provided adequate and friendly teachers that many schools in Nepal are searching for.So studying here remains always as a best option


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