Eduard Kučera

Eduard Kučera in 2017

Eduard Kučera (born 1953) is a Czech software engineer and an entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of the computer security company Avast along with Pavel Baudiš. Kučera is the 8th wealthiest person in the Czech Republic as of 2017 according to Forbes.[1]

Kučera studied Charles University before co-founding Alwil Software with Baudiš. The company was renamed to Avast Software and Avast Antivirus became one of the most used computer security software applications.[2]


  1. Forbes, 70 nejbohatších Čechů 2017, Accessed December 9, 2017
  2. Avast worth 'upwards of $2 billion'; no IPO before 2017 Reuters. Published on October 29, 2015
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