Ecology Action

Ecology Action is a non-profit environmental organization and consultancy founded in 1970 under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 in Berkeley, California. The organization has since moved its headquarters to Santa Cruz, California with satellite offices in San Jose, California and Sacramento, California, where it employs approximately 100 people and operates a variety of energy saving, water, waste reduction, and greenhouse gas emission reduction programs. The organization assists businesses, governments, and utilities in designing and implementing programs in efficient energy use, water conservation, and sustainable transportation.


Ecology Action was launched on Earth Day in 1970 as an all-volunteer, unmanned recycling donation depot for bottles and cans. Forty years later, the organization has become a leader in California’s sustainability program design and development with active programs focused on driving behavior change in water conservation, energy management, and alternative transportation.

The organization persevered through the conservative backlash of the 1980s—when the state froze over half a million dollars of their grant contracts—and the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Despite these setbacks, Ecology Action’s sustainability programs have helped over 20,000 California residents and business owners save millions of gallons of water and reduce energy consumption by half a million kilowatt hours each year.

In 2009, the organization began to renovate the former Santa Cruz Sentinel newspaper building with two other partners.[1] The organization also sponsors Bike To Work Week,[2] inviting over ten thousand students and adults to bike to school and/or their places of work twice a year.


Current energy programs

AMBAG Energy Watch

San Mateo County Energy Watch

Silicon Valley Energy Watch

The Hospitality Program

AMP Energy Plus Program

EMPower Palo Alto


SMUD Complete Energy Solutions

Retired energy programs

Energy Upgrade California




Transportation programs

Bike to Work

Friends of the Rail and Trail

School-based bike and walk programs

  • Ecology Action Partners: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
  • Description: Ecology Action provides a variety of active transportation education, safety, and encouragement programs for K-12th grade students throughout Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties, including Safe Routes to School, Bike Smart, and Walk Smart. The programs are focused on increasing the number of children who are safely walking and bicycling, and encouraging kids to use active forms of transportation more often.
  • Westlake Elementary School Students Take a Ride on the ‘Walking School Bus’
  • Youth Walk Safety Training Comes to County Schools: Aims to Decrease Injuries
  • COG, Ecology Action Partner on Local Bicycle Safety Effort
  • Bike to School – Elementary, Middle and High School Resources in Monterey County
  • Fundraiser Lends Hand to Student Bike Programs
  • Santa Cruz County Radar Signs Aim to Reduce Injuries
  • Memorial Fund Established with Ecology Action to Benefit Youth Bicycle Safety Education Program
  • City of Santa Cruz Awarded Grants to Improve School Crossings and Bike/Ped Bridge and Path

Electric vehicle programs

  • Ecology Action Partners: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
  • Description: Ecology Action is a fiscal sponsor of the Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance (MBEVA), a California public-private partnership of diverse stakeholders in the tri-county region of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties with an overall mission of promoting rapid adoption of plug-in electric vehicles. Ecology Action also works to provide educational opportunities for the community to consider cleaner fuel options, and has installed over 40 local vehicle charging stations.
  • ChargePoint Network Expands to Santa Cruz as Electric Vehicle Charging Services Extend Throughout Monterey Bay
  • Green Tech: Salinas Holds its First Electric Vehicle Summit
  • Ecology Action seeks input on SC County electric vehicle readiness
  • Energy Commission Grant Prepares Monterey Bay Area for Electric Vehicles

Employer sustainable transportation programs

  • Ecology Action Partners: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
  • Description: Ecology Action offers programs that encourage employees of local companies to use other ways than driving alone to commute to and from work. The programs give access to information and incentives that employers can offer their employees, including carpool and rideshare information, Zipcar memberships, emergency rides home, and 0% Interest bike loans.
  • Try Incentive Program to Green Employee Commute
  • Kick the Habit in 30 Days – How to Break the Addiction to Always Using Cars
  • Commute Solutions: Your Resource for Sustainable Transportation Options
  • Santa Cruz and Ecology Action create Complete Streets Master Plan for Santa Cruz

Water programs

  • Ecology Action Partners: California Department of Water Resources, California Climate Investments, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency, California Conservation Corps, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, City of Hayward, City of East Palo Alto, City of Santa Clara, Daly City, City of Watsonville
  • Description: Ecology Action developed the WaterLink program launched in Santa Clara County in 2016 to tackle the drought and climate change together. The program was funded by a grant from the California Department of Water Resources as part of their 2015 water-energy drought response program which is funded by California Climate Investments (Cap and Trade) funds. Early in 2017, WaterLink received an additional $5 million in grants from the Department of Water Resources to expand to two new areas. WaterLink works in disadvantaged communities providing education, installing hot water saving devices, and converting turf to low-water landscaping at no cost.
  • Ecology Action Helps Disadvantaged Communities Cut Back Water
  • Monrovia Partners with Ecology Action’s WaterLink Program
  • Water Conservation Champions Honored

Monterey Bay Friendly Landscape Program

  • Ecology Action Partners: California Landscape Contractors Association, Monterey Bay Master Gardeners, Surfrider Foundation, Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District
  • Description: The Monterey Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening program is a collaborative effort between Ecology Action, local Landscape and Gardening Associations, Surfrider Foundation, Resource Conservation Districts, and more than 20 public water utility and recycling agencies. The program encourages behavior changes that lessen the impact of conventional landscape practices on the local environment by providing home gardeners, landscape professionals, and local governments with the necessary skills and resources to create beautiful, healthy, and sustainable gardens, and landscapes.
  • What Is Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping?
  • First Monterey Bay Friendly Landscapes Certified!
  • Lose Your Lawn with Sheet Mulching Workshop
  • SVWD Offers Landscape Rebates and Grants to Homeowners and Businesses

Greywater and rainwater programs

  • Ecology Action Partners: California Landscape Contractors Association, Monterey Bay Master Gardeners, Surfrider Foundation, Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District
  • Description: Ecology Action co-founded the Central Coast Greywater Alliance, which provides training for public agencies, contractors and homeowners in best management practices for code-compliant greywater and rainwater systems. The Alliance is an organization of landscape and plumbing professionals who received greywater system design, installation and maintenance training via the Green Gardener Certification Program.
  • Grey’s the New Green: Laundry-to-Landscape Irrigation Systems Gaining in Popularity
  • Greywater to Green Thumbs
  • Gray Water Irrigation Becomes a Reality in Valley
  • The Graywater Revolution
  • In The Garden: Fifty Shades of Greywater
  • New Rules Make it Easier to Tap Household Wastewater for Yard Irrigation

Water Conservation Coalition

  • Ecology Action Partners: City of Santa Cruz Water Conservation Department, County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Department, City of Watsonville Public Works, Soquel Creek Water District, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, Scotts Valley Water District, Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Central Water District.
  • Description: The Water Conservation Coalition is a partnership between Ecology Action, all the local Water Districts in Santa Cruz County, as well as the County Water Resources Division and other groups who share a passion for water conservation and public education. Ecology Action worked directly with local water districts to help them design information and assistance programs to empower people to reduce their water use. The resulting Water Conservation Coalition
  • Grey’s the New Green: Laundry-to-Landscape Irrigation Systems Gaining in Popularity
  • Santa Cruz County Residents Beat Water Savings Pledge Goal
  • Waiting on Winter
  • Santa Cruz Water Director Calls for Rationing to Continue
  • Partnering is “New Norm” in Local Water World
  • Green or Greenwashing? Announcement from Home Depot Sparks Enthusiasm and Controversy

Livestock and Land Program

  • Ecology Action Partners: Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District
  • Description: Ecology Action was invited to participate in the Livestock and Land pilot program by the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County. As a result of the initial success of the pilot program, Ecology Action and local Resource Conservation Districts partnered to deliver programming throughout California’s Central Coast. The program aims to achieve immediate and lasting water quality and watershed improvements by educating livestock owners on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sustainable agriculture.
  • Pajaro Compass: Case Study for Livestock and Land Program
  • El Dorado County Livestock & Land Program
  • Resource Conservation District Livestock Programs
  • Getting Out of the Muck

Community programs

California Green Business Program

  • Ecology Action Partners: A network of 24 California Cities and Counties
  • Description: The California Green Business Program is a network of local programs operated by counties and cities throughout California. The goal of the program is to provide incentive and assistance tools to help local businesses conserve energy, water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and shrink their carbon footprints.
  • Certified Green Business Testimonials
  • RecycleMore – Bay Area Green Business Program

Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program

  • Ecology Action Partners: Monterey County, County of Santa Cruz, San Benito County
  • Description: The Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program, launched by Ecology Action in 2004, is a partnership of environmental agencies and concerned public working together to promote local businesses that operate in an environmentally friendly manner. The program provides education, assistance, and incentives to help local businesses conserve energy and water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and shrink their carbon footprint.
  • Campus Gets A Little Bit ‘Greener’ With Three More Certifications
  • Santa Cruz City Schools Aim for Green Certification
  • Capitola Veterinary Hospital Honored by State as Climate Action Leader

Earth Day Santa Cruz

  • Ecology Action Partners: County of Santa Cruz, City of Santa Cruz, Coastal Watershed Council
  • Description: Earth Day Santa Cruz is a yearly community event that offers educational information about environmental awareness, activities for kids, live music, and a focus on green businesses. Ecology Action revived and began managing the Santa Cruz Earth Day event in 2008, and has been leading it ever since. The annual festival draws more than 5,000 people every year.
  • Santa Cruz to Kick Off Earth Day 2017 With Science Rally, March
  • Santa Cruz Earth Day Includes New Activities
  • Celebrate Santa Cruz Earth Day 2016
  • Earth Day Santa Cruz
  • Santa Cruz Earth Day Activities
  • Book: The Genius of Earth Day
  • Book: Greening the Red, White, and Blue

Grants and awards

1987, 1988

Beverage Container Recycling Grants

  • Awarded by: CalRecycle [3]
  • Description: Ecology Action received Beverage Container Recycling Grants to address recycling challenges, aid in increasing beverage container collection, and reduce beverage container litter in the waste stream.
  • CalRecycle Santa Cruz County Award History


Sustainable Quality Award

  • Awarded by: City of Santa Cruz
  • Description: The City of Santa Cruz recognized Ecology Action with a Sustainable Quality Award for excellence in sustainable economic development, social responsibility, and stewardship of the natural environment.

Green Schools Program Partner


US Congressional Recognition Certificate

  • Awarded by: United States Congress
  • Description: Ecology Action earned a U.S. Congressional Recognition Certificate for its community service work. The U.S. Congressional Recognition Certificate is an official recognition of individuals and businesses for outstanding and invaluable service to the community.

City of Santa Cruz Mayor’s Proclamation for the Bike to Work Program

  • Awarded by: City of Santa Cruz
  • Description: The Mayor’s Proclamation recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations within a city about a specific cause which is commemorated by a given day set by the Mayor. The Mayor honored Ecology Action for Bike-to-Work Day. Bike to Work Day is also recognized through a United Nations proclamation.


Trash Cutters Award

  • Awarded by: CA EPA Integrated Waste Management Board
  • Description: Ecology Action was given the Trash Cutters award by the California EPA Integrated Waste Management Board for its waste reduction and recycling programming. The Trash Cutters Award program is the result of a partnership effort between the Board and its Local Government Technical Advisory Committee (LGTAC) to recognize the wide range of successful waste reduction and recycling programs.
  • 1999 Trash Cutter Award Program Case Studies


City of Santa Cruz Mayor’s Proclamation ‘Ecology Action Day’

  • Awarded by: City of Santa Cruz
  • Description: The City of Santa Cruz honored Ecology Action's community work with a Mayoral Proclamation that April 21 be the City’s official Ecology Action Day.


California State Assembly Resolution of Commendation


Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA)

  • Awarded by: California EPA
  • Description: The Governor's Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA) was presented to Ecology Action by the California EPA for its leadership and contributions to conserving California's precious resources and strengthening the State's economy. The GEELA is California’s highest environmental honor. The program recognizes individuals, organizations, and businesses that have demonstrates exceptional leadership and made notable voluntary contributions in conserving California’s precious resources, protecting and enhancing our environment, building public-private partnerships and strengthening the State’s economy.
  • 2003 GEELA Award Winners


Community Hero Award for Bike to Work Program

  • Awarded by: County of Santa Cruz
  • Description: Ecology Action was the recipient of the Community Hero Award for its contributions to Santa Cruz County residents for the Bike-to-Work program. The Community Hero Award recognizes organizations who are doing extraordinary work a make a real difference to the communities that they serve by addressing critical social, economic and environmental community issues, and bringing people together to have a positive impact on the local community.

Beverage Container Recycling Grants

  • Awarded by: CalRecycle
  • Description: Ecology Action received Beverage Container Recycling Grants to address recycling challenges, aid in increasing beverage container collection, and reduce beverage container litter in the waste stream.
  • CalRecycle Santa Cruz County Award History


EPA Innovation Workgroup Grant

Beverage Container Recycling Grants

  • Awarded by: CalRecycle
  • Description: Ecology Action received Beverage Container Recycling Grants to address recycling challenges, aid in increasing beverage container collection, and reduce beverage container litter in the waste stream.
  • CalRecycle Santa Cruz County Award History


Integrated Pest Management Innovator Award

  • Awarded by: California Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • Description: The California Department of Pesticide Regulation's IPM Innovator Award identified Ecology Action as a skilled leader who is inspiring new systems for pest management. The IPM is an approach to managing pests that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. The Department of Pesticide Regulation's IPM awards identify leaders in adopting techniques that increase the benefits and reduce the risks of pest control. Each IPM Innovator and IPM Achievement Award winner has shown a commitment to applying such techniques to their specific circumstances and sharing their experience with others.
  • The 2006 IPM Innovators Awards

Beverage Container Recycling Grants

  • Awarded by: CalRecycle
  • Description: Ecology Action received Beverage Container Recycling Grants to address recycling challenges, aid in increasing beverage container collection, and reduce beverage container litter in the waste stream.
  • CalRecycle Santa Cruz County Award History


Community Hero Award for Cleaner Beaches Coalition

  • Awarded by: County of Santa Cruz
  • Description: The Community Hero Award for Cleaner Beaches was awarded to Ecology Action by the Clean Beaches Coalition for its positive impact on the local community. The Clean Beaches Coalition (CBC) is a network of coastal organizations and individuals committed to promoting clean, healthy and well managed beaches around the world.

Beverage Container Recycling Grants

  • Awarded by: CalRecycle
  • Description: Ecology Action received Beverage Container Recycling Grants to address recycling challenges, aid in increasing beverage container collection, and reduce beverage container litter in the waste stream.
  • CalRecycle Santa Cruz County Award History


Pollution Prevention Advocate of the Year

  • Awarded by: Western Region Sustainability & Pollution Prevention Network
  • Description: The Western Region Sustainability & Pollution Prevention Network presented Ecology Action with an Advocate of the Year award for its dedication to preserve, protect, enhance and restore the quality of California's water resources.

Comprehensive Recycling Award

  • Awarded by: California Department of Conservation
  • Description: Ecology Action was awarded the Comprehensive Recycling Award by the California Department of Conservation for its leadership in innovation and waste recovery. The award honors facilities that demonstrates leadership in key measurements, such as innovation, quantity of materials collected and/or processed, types of materials recovered, site improvements, or sustainability measures adopted.

Bicycle Friendly Silver Award

  • Awarded by: League of American Bicyclists
  • Description: The League’s Bicycle Friendly America (BFA) program provides a roadmap, hands-on assistance and recognition for states, communities, universities and businesses. The BFA℠ program is a tool for states, communities, business and universities to make bicycling a real transportation and recreation option for all people.
  • List of Bicycle Friendly Businesses

The Outstanding Regional Storm Water News, Information, Outreach and Media Award

2009 Organization of the Year, for Climate Change Leadership

  • Awarded by:
  • Description: Ecology Action was name Organization of the Year by Cool California and its esteemed partners for its achievements in climate change management practices and its climate change communications. The small business awards program recognizes small, California businesses (under 100 employees) that have demonstrated leadership and made notable, voluntary achievements towards reducing their climate impact.
  • CoolCalifornia Ecology Action Profile

United Way of Santa Cruz County Community Hero Award

  • Awarded by: United Way of Santa Cruz County
  • Description: The Community Hero Award was bestowed on Ecology Action by the United Way of Santa Cruz County because of its dedication to community service. The Community Hero Award commends remarkable individuals, organizations, and small businesses who dedicate their time and energy to supporting a community, voluntary organization, club, or association.

PG&E Integration Award for the RightLights Program

  • Awarded by: Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Description: Ecology Action was selected as a PG&E Integration Award winner for its customer service and partnership with Couch Distribution as part of the RightLights program.
  • PG&E Third Party Programs


Woman of the Year Award, Virginia Johnson, CEO

PG&E Integration Awards for LodgingSavers Program

  • Awarded by: Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Description: Ecology Action was selected as a PG&E Integration Award winner for its customer service and partnership with Four Points by Sheraton-Emeryville as part of the LodgingSavers program.


US Green Building Council LEED Gold Certification for the Ecology Action Headquarters

PG&E Supplier Award Nominations

  • Awarded by: Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Description: Ecology Action received two PG&E Supplier Award nominations; one for the PG&E Small Business of the Year award and one for the Corporate/Customer Care/IT/Shared Services of the Year award.

PG&E Integration Awards for CasinoGreen Program

  • Awarded by: Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Description: Ecology Action was selected as a PG&E Integration Award winner for its customer service and partnership with Thunder Valley Casino, Chumash Casino, and Rolling Hills Casino as part of the CasinoGreen program.


Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA)

Small Market Advanced Retrofit Transformation Grant

  • Awarded by: U.S. Department of Energy
  • Description: The U.S. Department of Energy awarded Ecology Action a Small Market Advanced Retrofit Transformation Program grant for its dedication to energy efficiency programming through its debut program, SmartScale. SMART Scale program won as a proven, best-in-class, deep retrofit program for small and medium-sized commercial buildings designed to be easily replicated in a wide range of markets across the country.
  • Ecology Action: Small Market Advanced Retrofit Transformation Program (SMART)


California Department of Water Resources Grant

Caltrans Active Transportation Grant


PG&E 2016 Corporate Services Supplier of the Year Award

  • Awarded by: Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Description: Pacific Gas & Electric named Ecology Action 2016 PG&E Corporate Services Supplier of the Year because of their energy efficiency implementation and dedication to customer service and community partnership.

Santa Clara Valley Water District Grant Award

Community Builders Award

2016 Doppelt Grant Award

PeopleForBikes Community Grant


Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award

Two Department of Water Resources Grants

Communicator Award (Silver)


  1. "Anatomy of a deal: How local bidders landed former Sentinel building". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
  2. "All aboard for a ride through the redwoods and the beach". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
  3. (CalRecycle), California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. "[Archives] Santa Cruz County Award History: Beverage Container Recycling Competitive Grants". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
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