Drone Papers

The Drone Papers is a leak of national security documents published by The Intercept in October 2015 on the United States's use of drone warfare.[1][2][3][4] The leak revealed the bureaucratic process of approving a drone strike.[5]


Micah Zenko of Foreign Policy wrote that the Drone Papers "mandate a Congressional investigation" but did not expect one to happen during the Obama administration.[6] The Guardian wrote that the documents showed that close to 90 percent of United States drone killings in a five-month period did not kill the intended target.[7]


  1. "The Drama of the Drone Papers". Daily Intelligencer. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
  2. ""The Drone Papers" Reveals How Faulty Intel & Secret "Kill Chain" Mark Suspects, Civilians for Death - Democracy Now!". Democracy Now!. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
  3. Walker, Lauren (October 15, 2015). "Leaked Documents Reveal New Details About the U.S.'s Lethal Drone Programs". Newsweek. Retrieved July 13, 2017. .
  4. "Leaked: 'New Snowden' releases Obama's drone program papers". RT International. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
  5. ""Where Does This End?": After Drone Papers Leaks, U.K. Gov't Has a Kill List of Its Own". Democracy Now!. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
  6. Zenko, Micah (October 15, 2015). "The Intercept's 'Drone Papers' Revelations Mandate a Congressional Investigation". Foreign Policy. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
  7. "A Second Snowden Has Leaked a Mother Lode of Drone Docs".
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