Drehmann sign

The Drehmann sign describes a clinical test of examining orthopedic patients and is widely used in the functional check of the hip joint. It was first described by Gustav Drehmann (Breslau, 1869–1932).[1]

The Drehmann sign is positive if an unavoidable passive external rotation of the hip occurs when performing a hip flexion. In addition, an internal rotation of the respective hip joint is either not possible or accompanied by pain when forcefully induced.[2]

The positive Drehmann sign is a typical clinical feature in slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), the impingement syndrome, or in osteoarthritis of the hip joint.[3]


  1. Drehmann F.: Drehmann's sign. A clinical examination method in epiphysiolysis (slipping of the upper femoral epiphysis). Description of signs, aetiopathogenetic considerations, clinical experience PMID 463224
  2. Tannast, Siebenrock, Anderson: Femoroacetabualar Impingement: Radiographic Diagnosis – What the Radiologist should know in Muscoskeletal Imaging, July 25, 2006
  3. Kamegaya M, Saisu T et al: Drehmann sign and femoro-acetabular impingement in SCFE. PMID 22101663
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