Corporação Industrial do Norte

CIN - Corporação Industrial do Norte S.A. is a Portuguese company that is the Iberian market leader for paint & coating products.[1] The company was established in 1926 and is headquartered in Maia, Norte Region.

In 1990 CIN became a member of the Coatings Research Group Inc. (CRGI) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, a group that tests innovative prime materials, products and technology in the paint industry for the construction segment.

Main companies in the CIN Group:

  • Lacose-Sotinco
  • Nitin
  • Tintas Cin Açores
  • Tintas Cin Madeira
  • Tintas Cin de Angola
  • Tintas Cin de Moçambique
  • Barnices Valentine
  • Pinturas Cin Canarias


  1. "CIN of Portugal: computerisation and automation in paint manufacture". Pigment & Resin Technology. 18 (4): 16–19. 1989. doi:10.1108/eb042601. ISSN 0369-9420. Retrieved 2009-01-14.
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