Developer(s) Itefix
Stable release
6.1.2 / February 19, 2018 (2018-02-19)
Operating system Windows
Type Remote Access
License Commercial, Cygwin, OpenSSH and OpenSSL are free software, CopSSH is proprietary[1]

CopSSH is an implementation of OpenSSH for Windows. CopSSH offers both SSH client and server functionality and can be used for remote administration of Windows systems. CopSSH contains Cygwin DLLs and a compiled version of OpenSSH on Cygwin. An administration GUI is also provided as of the version 4.0.0.


The first version of CopSSH was developed to address requirements of Logrep,[2] and is published as a free solution on the SecurityFocus Secure shell mailing list.[3] CopSSH became very popular quickly [4][5][6][7] and is kept updated with newer versions of underlying solutions.

As of November 22, 2011, Itefix Consulting decided to deliver CopSSH binary installers as paid downloads, to cover expenses/time spent.[8]


You can use the CopSSH client to initiate SSH/SFTP/SCP connections from your host, while the CopSSH server makes your Windows machine available as an SSH or SFTP server.

CopSSH administration GUI has following features:

  • Service, connection and event status
  • User Access Control with activation wizard
  • Public Key Administration with PKA wizard
  • SSH Server Configuration
  • SFTP Server Configuration

See also


  2. "Logrep - A Log Reporting System".
  3. "SecurityFocus mailing list Secure Shell".
  4. "How to set up a basic config of CopSSH server".
  5. "TortoiseGit + msysgit + CopSSH + WindowsXP as server".
  6. "Step by Step Setup Git Server on Windows with CopSSH + msysGit and Integrate Git with Visual Studio".
  7. "How to set up an SSH Server in Windows".
  8. "CopSSH, cwRsync and Nagwin - now as paid solutions !".
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