Conjunctive adverb

A conjunctive adverb, adverbial conjunction, or subordinating adverb is an adverb that connects two clauses by converting the clause it introduces into an adverbial modifier.

Like any adverb, a conjunctive adverb modifies either the verb, an adjective, or another adverb in the main clause. A conjunctive adverb is distinct from a standard adverb used as an adverbial connective (also known as a logical transition) which is often used within a second clause to show its logical relationship to the first.


Examples of conjunctive adverbs (or adverbial conjunctions):

Bob loved Mary with all his heart; however, he knew he could not be with her.

I cleaned my room; then I went to the store.

I cleaned my room, and then I went to the store.

Conjunctive adverbs cannot be written as conjunctions in place of and or but.


Conjunctive adverbs show the when, where, why, or how of a verb, adjective, or adverb.

Some conjunctive adverbs are also used as coordinating conjunctions, that it not adverbially but to coordinate two independent clauses; they are for, whereas, nor, yet, so.


Since a conjunctive adverb is an adverb and therefore modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb, it invariable modifies a previously expressed logical predication.

Meaning: In American and British English, specific conjunctive adverbs are used to signal and signify cause (because), effect (so), purpose or reason (so that) sequence (then, since), exception (though and although), contrast (yet), comparison (whereas), option (whether), and choice (if ).


Many inconsistent definitions of the term conjunctive adverbs and adverbial conjunctions have arisen. In general, what are often called "conjunctive adverbs" are not conjunctive at all. Instead, they are logical connectives or transitions that position one clause adjectivally or adverbially (in a dative, ablative, locative, instrumental relationship to the first clause).

In American English, the words and, but, and or are not conjunctive adverbs, but they are used as coordinating conjunctions (to join two words, phrases, or internal or independent clauses). Some speakers and writers of colloquial American English, do sometimes use and, but, and or as adverbial logical transitions. See Transitions (linguistics), or search online lists of adverbial connectives or logical transitions.

Common English conjunctive adverbs

  • then (by ellipsis)
  • although
  • whereas
  • whether
  • however
  • therefore
  • on the other hand
  • still
  • be that as it may
  • nonetheless
  • nevertheless
  • contrary to that
  • moreover
  • having said that

English punctuation

  • A conjunctive adverb introducing a clause to modify or describe another word, phrase, or clause requires no preceding punctuation.
  • Conjunctive adverbs tell when, where, how, why, or in reference to whom a verb (action of a noun) occurs, an adjective (description of a noun) exists, or adverb (description of a verb) occurs.
  • Please see adverbial connectives or "Transitions (linguistic)" for disambiguation. (See link above.)


Like other adverbs, conjunctive adverbs can be placed in one of three places:[1]

  1. Inverted sentence order: At the beginning of a dependent (adverbial) clause followed by a comma.
  2. Natural sentence order: After the word, phrase, or clause it modifies.
  3. Non-restrictive: set off with commas: I plan to help you, if you are willing.

See also


  1. "Tips and Tricks – Conjunctive Adverbs". Retrieved July 22, 2015.
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