CoSMoS is a UK funded research project seeking do build capacity in generic modelling tools and simulation techniques for complex systems. Its acronym stands for Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation. This is a four-year project, running from 2007 to 2011 as a collaboration between the University of York and Kent, with further collaborations from the University of Abertay Dundee and Bristol Robotics Laboratory.


Collaboration between the universities of York and Kent started with the TUNA project, a feasibility study looking at the requirements for developing networks of nanites that behave safely.[1] This project involved researchers from York, Kent and Surrey. TUNA's outcomes were both conceptual and practical. An example of theoretical contribution consists of investigators showing that emergent properties do not refine ,[2] but gave insights into the engineering of emergence.[3] Practical results were obtained through the use of a blood clotting case-study. This led to the development of a process-oriented, large-scale simulation [4] implemented in occam-pi.


  1. "TUNA - Theory Underpinning Nanotech Assemblers". Retrieved 20 October 2009.
  2. Polack, Fiona; Stepney, S. (July 2005). "Emergent properties do not refine" (PDF). REFINE 2005 workshop. ENTSC. 137. Guildford: Elsevier. pp. 163–181. Retrieved 20 October 2009.
  3. Stepney, Susan; Polack, F.; Turner, H. (2006). "Engineering emergence" (PDF). Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 89–97. Retrieved 20 October 2009.
  4. "3D Blood Clotting". Retrieved 20 October 2009.
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