Chorina Comedy

The Chorina Comedy was a historic theatre in Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow in Russia, founded in 1672.[1] It was the first theatre in Russia. Founded on the order of tsar Alexis of Russia, it was a court theatre which provided theatre by German actors performing for the court of the czar. The German court theatre was dissolved in 1676, but the building was used again in 1707-1711.


  1. «Комедийная хоромина» // Москва: Энциклопедия / Глав. ред. С. О. Шмидт; Сост.: М. И. Андреев, В. М. Карев. — М. : Большая российская энциклопедия, 1997. — 976 с. — 100 000 экз. — ISBN 5-85270-277-3.

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