
Chaksikandar is a village in Vaishali district of Bihar, India. It is 13 km east of the district headquarters town Hajipur on NH 103. It is the extreme eastern village of Hajipur Lok sabha constituency. It also located in Raghopur Vidhan Sabha constituency.The neighboring village are Shyampur alias Mansoorpur in north, Khajauta in south, Govindpur Jhakhraha in the east and Gurmiswan in the west. The village has a small market which feeds surrounding villages. Threre is so many shops including Medicine, Stationery, Grocery etc.People of this village is literate. Literary rate of this village is around 95%. In this village there is also a Petrol Pump. Weekly Market Held on Thursday and Sunday. In this village there are no private schools. There is a primary school, a secondary school and a higher secondary school, which are run by government. This village also belongs to Shivam. At present Mukhiya of the village is Juhi Parveen according to 2016 panchayat election. There is a small railway station Chaksikandar Railway Station, which is 2 station away from district headquarter hajipur.The railway network is direct connected to hajipur, patliputra&barauni. There is also a railway sleeper factory, which provide no work to villager because it is close. Villager are very helpful.

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