
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): Excavata
Phylum: Metamonada
Superclass: Carpediemonadia
Class: Carpediemonadea
Order: Carpediemonadida
Genus: Carpediemonas
Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 [1]
Species: C. membranifera
Binomial name
Carpediemonas membranifera
(Larsen & Patterson, 1990) Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996

Carpediemonas is a genus of eukaryotes. The single known species, Carpediemonas membranifera, is a small flagellate that was originally isolated from anaerobic intertidal sediment. It is distantly related to diplomonads.[2][3] It has been shown to have a membrane-bounded organelle reminiscent of a hydrogenosome.[4]


  1. J. Ekebom; D. J. Patterson; N. Vørs (1996). "Heterotrophic flagellates from coral reef sediments (Great Barrier Reef, Australia)". Archiv für Protistenkunde. 146 (3–4): 251–272. doi:10.1016/S0003-9365(96)80013-3.
  2. T. Cavalier-Smith (November 2003). "The excavate protozoan phyla Metamonada Grassé emend. (Anaeromonadea, Parabasalia, Carpediemonas, Eopharyngia) and Loukozoa emend. (Jakobea, Malawimonas): their evolutionary affinities and new higher taxa". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53 (6): 1741–1758. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02548-0. PMID 14657102.
  3. Alastair G. B. Simpson; Andrew J. Roger; Jeffrey D. Silberman; Detlef D. Leipe; Virginia P. Edgcomb; Lars S. Jermiin; David J. Patterson; Mitchell L. Sogin (2002). "Evolutionary history of "early-diverging" eukaryotes: the excavate taxon Carpediemonas is a close relative of Giardia". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 19 (10): 1782–1791. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a004000. PMID 12270904.
  4. T. Littlweood (2003). "Introduction - phylogenies, phylogenetics, parasites and the evolution of parasitism". In T. Littlewood. The Evolution of Parasitism - a Phylogenetic Perspective. Elsevier. p. 38. ISBN 9780120317547.

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