Capella Space

Capella Space is a US space company founded by Payam Banazadeh and William Walter Woods that aims to create capabilities for hourly, reliable, and persistent imagery of anywhere on the globe. To that end, it is developing space-based radar earth observation satellites equipped with synthetic aperture radar.[1] Company is based in San Francisco, California.[2] Capella was founded in 2016, has 30 employees and raised venture capital from investors such as Canaan Partners, Data Collective, & Spark Capital.[3]

See also


  1. "DIUx, the Defense Department unit that funds Silicon Valley's space industry to help detect a North Korean attack — Quartz". Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  2. "Capella Space plans to launch imaging satellites that can see through clouds using orbital radar — Quartz". Retrieved 2017-11-03.
  3. "Capella Space Corp". Retrieved 2017-11-03.
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