Broad bean true mosaic virus

Broad bean true mosaic virus
Virus classification
Group: Group IV ((+)ssRNA)
Order: Picornavirales
Family: Secoviridae
Subfamily: Comovirinae
Genus: Comovirus
Species: Broad bean true mosaic virus
  • Echtes Ackerbohnemosaik-virus
  • Vicia virus 1
  • Viciavirus varians

Broad bean true mosaic virus (also called Echtes Ackerbohnemosaik-virus, Vicia virus 1, and Viciavirus varians) is a virus first described in 1953 that affects legumes, commonly found in crops of broad bean in both Europe and Northwest Africa.[1][2] There are no known vectors, although it has been known to transverse long distances between crops.[3] Infection via seed is common, though the virus is also present in sap.


  1. Quantz, L. (1953). "Studies on a seed-transmisslble mosaic virus of (Vicia faba)". Phytopathologische Zeitschrift. 20: 421.
  2. Review of Applied Mycology. 33. Commonwealth Mycological Institute. 1954.
  3. Gibbs, A. J.; Giussani-Belli, Giselda; Smith, Helen (February 1968). "Broad-bean stain and true broad-bean mosaic viruses". 61 (1): 99.

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