Bridge (exercise)

An image of a bridge position with straight legs. The body is pushed over the shoulders to enable straight vertical arms, stretching the shoulders and upper body

The bridge (also called gymnastic bridge[1]) is an exercise. Many variations of this exercise are employed throughout the world, most commonly the balancing of the body on the head/shoulders and the feet. Hands are occasionally used instead of or along with the head. It is intended to improve lower back and gluteus strength. Examples of bridging in sportive or self-defense applications are seen in Kung Fu, Yoga, Judo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, Capoeira, mixed martial arts, and wrestling.

In yoga, this particular pose is called Chakrasana, or Wheel, while the Westernized nickname "Bridge pose" refers to a less rigorous supine backbend called Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, in which the body is fairly straight from knees to shoulders, and most of the bend is in the knees.

See also


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