Bombshell (Marvel Comics)

Bombshell (Wendy Conrad). Art by Mike Perkins.
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Wendy Conrad: Hawkeye #3 (November 1983)
Lana Baumgartner and Lori Baumgartner: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2 (November 2009)
Created by Wendy Conrad: Mark Gruenwald, Eliot Brown
Lana Baumgartner and Lori Baumgartner: Brian Michael Bendis, David Lafuente
In-story information
Alter ego Wendy Conrad
Lana Baumgartner
Lori Baumgartner
Team affiliations Wendy Conrad: Death-Throws
Lana Baumgartner: Power Pack
Lori Baumgartner: Sinister Six
Abilities Master juggler
Explosives expert
Stun blasters concealed in her wrist bands
Explosive energy projection

Bombshell is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Publication history

The original version (Wendy Conrad) appeared in Hawkeye Vol. 1 #3, and was created by Mark Gruenwald. She appeared in Hawkeye #3-4 (1983), Captain America #388-392 (1991), Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12 (1992), Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 (1992) and New Warriors Annual #2 (1992). As a member of the Death-Throws, Bombshell appeared in Captain America #317 (1986), Avengers Spotlight #23-25 (1989), Captain America #411-414 (1993) and Union Jack Vol.2 #2 (2006). She also appeared as part of the Death-Throws entries in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #3 (1985) and Dark Reign Files #1 (2009). In her early appearances (Hawkeye Vol.1 #3-4, Captain America #317, Avengers Spotlight #23-25), Bombshell was portrayed as being a woman with a muscular physique. However, in later appearances (Union Jack Vol. 2 #2), the character was drawn with a more slender look.

The Ultimate Marvel incarnation are a mother/daughter criminal team, the Baumgartners (Lori and Lana), who first appeared in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2.

Fictional character biography

Wendy Conrad was born in Scarsdale, New York. She used her juggling talents and explosives expertise to become the supervillain Bombshell. Bombshell, along with juggler Oddball, was hired by Crossfire to eliminate Hawkeye and Mockingbird. The two juggling supervillains were able to subdue the two heroes and deliver them to Crossfire. However, Hawkeye later managed to escape and defeat all three villains.[1]

Bombshell and Oddball, together with Knickknack, Ringleader and Tenpin, formed the juggling-themed Death-Throws supervillain group. The group were hired by Crossfire to help him escape from prison. When Crossfire was unable to pay them, the Death-Throws held the villain hostage. They were defeated by Hawkeye, Mockingbird and Captain America.[2] Later, the Death-Throws attempted to claim the bounty placed on Hawkeye's right arm but were defeated by Hawkeye, Mockingbird and Trick Shot.[3]

Bombshell underwent a genetic experiment to gain superpowers. She gained the ability to fire explosive energy blasts from her hands. Bombshell then joined an all female team of supervillains called the Femizons. The female team, led by Superia, sought to sterilize all men so women would rule the world. The team was defeated by Captain America. Bombshell's experimental new powers soon faded.[4]

Justin Hammer hired a number of supervillains (including Bombshell) to battle Spider-Man and the New Warriors.[5] Hammer and the supervillains allied themselves with the Sphinx.[6] When Sphinx revealed his true intentions of world domination, Bombshell panicked and fled from the scene.[7]

The Death-Throws are hired by R.A.I.D to take part in a terrorist attack on London. They attack civilians from the top of Tower Bridge, but soon come into battle with Union Jack and Sabra. Bombshell, the last member of the team left standing, defuses her bombs and surrenders.[8] Union Jack uses one of Bombshell's bombs (which he had earlier confiscated) to take down a giant Dreadnought.[9]

Powers and abilities

Bombshell is a master juggler and an explosives expert. Bombshell uses an array of anti-personnel weapons including hand grenades, stun grenades and smoke bombs. She also has concealed weaponry in her wrist bands that fire stun blasts.

After a genetic experiment to gain superpowers, Bombshell gained the ability to fire explosive energy from her hands. However, these powers soon faded.[10]

Other versions

The Last Avengers Story

A woman called Bombshell appears in The Last Avengers Story set in an alternate future.[11]

Ultimate Marvel

The Ultimate Marvel incarnation is actually a mother/daughter criminal team called the "Bombshells" (Lori Baumgartner and Lana Baumgartner). They have the ability to fire explosive energy beams from their hands. The foul-mouthed Bombshells attempted to rob a bank vault but are foiled by the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker).[12] Later, they attempted to rob an armored truck until the Human Torch and Spider-Woman arrived on the scene and defeated them.[13] They were originally believed to be mutants whose powers are activated when they are close to one another. But it's later revealed that their powers are the result of experiments Lori volunteered for carried out by the Roxxon Corporation while Lana was in-utero. Lori's pregnancy was not noticed until after the experiments and the discovery prompted Lori to forcibly terminate her contract as a test subject utilizing her powers.[14] Lana, having been released on juvenile parole and learned to use her powers without her mother present, later teams up with Spider-Woman, Cloak & Dagger and the new Spider-Man (Miles Morales) as an amateur superhero team to take down Philip Roxxon.[15] After Roxxon is arrested, Lana reports to the police to find out she violated her parole, which she argues should not count since she was working with S.H.I.E.L.D.. She has a moment of clarity and realizes that she is supposed to be a superhero. It is also revealed that Lana was forced into crime by her mother.[16] As a consequence of the reality-ending phenomena known as incursions, Lana's entire universe came to an end yet one of the few survivors of the universe was Miles. After Miles helped the omnipotent being that was keeping a world composed of the remnants of destroyed realities called Battleworld together,[17] a repayment was brought with Miles's family and friends into transported into Earth-616, doing so in such a way it was as if they had always lived their entire life there; Lana and her mother were one of these people brought to Earth-616.[18] Lori later appeared as a member of the Sinister Six led by Iron Spider. She accompanied the team to steal a decommissioned S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.[19]


  1. Hawkeye Vol.1 #3-4
  2. Captain America #317
  3. Avengers Spotlight #23-25
  4. Captain America #389-392
  5. Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12
  6. Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 (1992)
  7. New Warriors Annual #2
  8. Union Jack Vol.2 #2
  9. Union Jack Vol.2 #4
  10. Captain America #392
  11. The Last Avengers Story #1-2
  12. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #2
  13. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #9
  14. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #26
  15. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #28
  16. Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #1
  17. Ultimate End #5
  18. Spider-Man (2016) #3
  19. Spider-Man #234
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