Boaz Tsaban

Boaz Tsaban

Boaz Tsaban (born February 1973) is an Israeli mathematician on the faculty of Bar-Ilan University. His research interests include selection principles within set theory and nonabelian cryptology, within mathematical cryptology.


Boaz Tsaban grew up in Or Yehuda, a city near Tel Aviv. At the age of 16 he was selected with other high school students to attend the first cycle of a special preparation program in mathematics, at Bar-Ilan University, being admitted to regular mathematics courses at the University a year later. He completed his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.[1] degrees with highest distinctions. Two years as a post-doctoral fellow at Hebrew University were followed by a three-year Koshland Fellowship at the Weizmann Institute of Science before he joined the Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University in 2007.

Academic career

In the field of selection principles, Tsaban devised the method of omission of intervals [2] for establishing covering properties of sets of real numbers that have certain combinatorial structures. In nonabelian cryptology he devised the algebraic span method [3] ,[4] that solved a number of computational problems that underlie a number of proposals for nonabelian public-key cryptographic schemes (such as the commutator key exchange).

Awards and recognition

Tsaban's doctoral dissertation, supervised by the Wolf Prize laureate Hillel Furstenberg, won, with Irit Dinur, the Nessyahu prize[5] for the best Ph.D. in mathematics in Israel in 2003. In 2009 he won the Wolf Foundation Krill Prize[6] for Excellence in Scientific Research.


  1. Boaz Tsaban at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  2. Boaz Tsaban (2011), 'Menger's and Hurewicz's Problems: Solutions from "The Book" and refinements', in "Set Theory and its Applications" Contemporary Mathematics 533, 211–226.
  3. Boaz Tsaban (2015), "Polynomial-time solutions of computational problems in noncommutative-algebraic cryptography", Journal of Cryptology 28, 601–622.
  4. Adi Ben Zvi, Arkadius Kalka, Boaz Tsaban (2014), Cryptanalysis via algebraic spans, IACR Cryptology eprint 2014/041, Jan 2014.
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