Blut und Boden - Grundlagen zum neuen Reich

Blut und Boden - Grundlagen zum neuen Reich (English: Blood and soil - the foundation of the new reich) is a 1933 German propaganda film that illustrates the Nazi concept of "Blood and Soil". The film has both dramatic and purely documentary aspects, following a German farming family as they have their farm foreclosed on, are forced to move to the city and eventually return to farming in the German East. The documentary uses both animation and montage to present the case that the German farmer is suffering because alleged Jewish financial interests flood the market with foreign produce, refuse to lend money for the manufacture of farming equipment and foreclose on people's farms.

Cast and crew

  • Directors - Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamrowski
  • Writer - Ernst Burger
  • Original idea - Karl Motz
  • Production design - Walter Ruttmann, Hans von Passavant
  • Animation - Svend Noland
  • Graphics - F. von Lange


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