Bevil Wooding

Bevil Wooding
Occupation Technology Evangelist and Internet Strategist for PCH
Known for ITC work in the Caribbean

Bevil Wooding is the Chief Knowledge Officer at Congress WBN, a Trinidad-based NGO in over 105 countries. He serves as the Caribbean Outreach Manager, as well as an Internet Strategist for the US based non-profit Packet Clearing House (PCH). He is known for his ITC work within the Caribbean and in 2010, he was named by ICANN as one of the Trusted Community Representatives for the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) root.[1][2] Wooding advocates for a focus on Caribbean countries as producers of technology and digital content that is relevant to the needs and aspirations of Caribbean people.[3][4]

In 2013, he was conferred a lifetime achievement award by the Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre (LACNIC)[5] for his dedication, integrity and consistency in the development of an internet and information society; for strengthening the internet connectivity and infrastructure particularly in supporting the development of the Internet exchange points (IXPS) in the Caribbean.[6][7]

In November 2017, Wooding received the Caribbean American Heritage Award from the Institute of Caribbean Studies (, celebrating his work as "a virtual technology ambassador, evangelist and pioneer".[8]


Wooding cofounded CaribNOG, the Caribbean arm of the Internet network operators' groups. By 2017, CaribNOG completed seven years and 14 gatherings of regional and international participants interested in the advancement of the Internet.[9]

Caribbean ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) Roadshow

Wooding co-designed and served as the Program Director of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union's (CTU) Caribbean ICT Roadshow. The ICT Roadshow began in 2009 as a public awareness and education campaign designed to demonstrate how technology can be used to transform society through education, innovation, and assistance with effective ICT implementation for regional governments, and benefit every sector of regional society through customized programs that meet the needs of the target country.[10][11]

Internet exchange points in the Caribbean

In his role as an Internet Strategist for Packet Clearing House, Wooding has worked to raise awareness of and advance investment and development in Internet exchange points (IXPs) across the Caribbean. Instead of Caribbean countries relying on international exchange points to carry local data between Internet service providers (ISPs), developing local IXPs can help countries to conserve operating costs, boost digital security, improve internet quality, and increase internet access.[12] At the launch of the first IXP in Belize, Wooding stated that this type of internet infrastructural development is a “small but vital step in the journey toward the development of the Belizean and the Caribbean Internet Economy”.


  9. "Past Meetings". Caribbean Network Operators Group. Retrieved 2017-12-05.
  12. Wooding, Bevil (July 15, 2016). "The Value of IXPs" (PDF).
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