Bension Kohen

Bension Kohen
Born Djerba, Tunisia
Died ~1999
Jerusalem, Israel
Resting place Jerusalem
Residence Jerusalem
Nationality Tunisian, Israeli
Known for Hebrew grammar work "Sfath Emeth", Mentor of Rabbi David Bar-Chayim of Machon Shilo, Jerusalem
Title Rabbi
Relatives Eliyahu Kohen (cousin)

Rabbi Bension HaKohen Kohen, (or Ben Zion Cohen in Djerba, Tunisia – after 1992 in Jerusalem), an expert in Hebrew grammar (Dikduk) and Hebrew literature, author of the critical Sfath Emeth analytic literary work on the correct and authentic pronunciation of the Hebrew alphabet. He lived in Jerusalem in close proximity to the Nablus gate until his untimely passing in 1999.


In the introduction to his work, the Rabbi provided a detailed lineage going back over a dozen generations of kohanim born at Djerba, among his patrilineal ancestors are Rabbi Shaul HaKohen (d. 1848), himself an author of multiple Rabbinical works – including Dikduk.[1]

Yehoyada HaKohen

The Rabbi cites an alternate yet similar lineage table citing the patrilineal family source to a certain ""נוריש יהוידע הכהן" ("Heritage of Yehoyada HaKohen"). This lineage table seems to trace back an additional step from the said "Yitzchok HaKohen the elder" who had emigrated from Israel to Djerba at the Second Temple Destruction, the alternate lineage source seems to hint that the family traced itself to biblical Yehoyada Kohen Gadol, an artifact that is somewhat plausible based on Rav Hai Gaon's known letter[2] penned to the kohanim of Djerba.

Sfath Emeth

His flagship work, the 'Sfath Emeth', first printed in Jerusalem (1987),[3] and has since been praised by his contemporaries as well as halakhic authorities of various orthodox communities. The work stresses the authentic pronunciation of the 22 Hebrew letters based on geonic literature and Hebrew dikduk predecessors such as Rav Saadya Gaon, Rabbi Yitzchok Ben Shlomo Yisraeli and the Radak.

Table of pronunciation

Rabbi Kohen's research led him to produce a table of pronunciation, the table has been published – with minor variations than what is listed below – on page 150 of his Sfath Emeth work:

Hebrew letterIPASimilar-sounding Arabic letterSimilar English soundJewish community with correct pronunciationVarying pronunciation error
א - Alef[ʔ]اbuttonMost Jewish communitiesH
בּ - Beth[b]بBAll Jewish communitiesnone
ב - Veth[v]Non-existentVAshkenazim, Temanimבּ and פ
גּ - Gimmel (Degusha)[g]Non-existentGAshkenazim and Sefardimج (jīm)
ג - Gimmel[ɣ]غGh (French)Jewish communities of Arabic nationalityGimmel degusha
דּ - Daleth (Degusha)[d]دDAll communitiesnone
ד - Daleth[ð]ذtheTemanimDalet degusha
ה - Hey[h]هHAshkenazim, SefardimAlef
ו - Waw[w]وWTemanim, Iraqi JewsV
ז - Zayin[z]زZMost communities[ʒ] (soft J, like French Jean)
ח - Ḥeth[ħ]حNon-existentJewish communities of Arabic nationalityChof, Hey
ט - Teth[]طNon-existent (T, yet thicker)Jewish communities of Arabic nationalityTaw degusha
י - Yodh[j]يYAll Jewish communitiesnone
כּ - Kaph[k]كKAll Jewish communitiesnone
כ - Kaph (non degusha, spelled also Chof)[χ]خNon-existentAll communitiesnone
ל - Lamedh[l]لLAll Jewish communitiesnone
מ - Mem[m]مMAll Jewish communitiesnone
נ - Nun[n]نNAll Jewish communitiesnone
ס - Samech[s]سSAll Jewish communitiesnone
ע - Ayin[ʢ]عNon existentJewish communities of Arabic nationalityAlef, Gimmel non-degusha
פּ - Peh[p]Non existentPMost Jewish communitiesPeh (non-degusha), Beth
פ - Peh non-degusha[f]فFAll Jewish communitiesnone
צ - Ṣade[]صNon-existent (pronounced as a thicker-sounding S)Jewish communities of Arabic nationalitySamech, "Tz" sound
ק - Kof[q]قNon-existentIragi and North-African JewryKafh, Gimmel, Alef, Gimmel (non-degusha)
ר Resh[r]رNon-existentEastern-European and Asian JewryGimmel (Non-degusha), (American R)
שׁ Shin[ʃ]شShMost Jewish communitiesSamech
שׂ Sin[s]سSMost Jewish communitiesShin
תּ Taw[t]تTAll Jewish communitiesNone
ת Taw (non degusha)[θ]ثThIraqi and Yemenite Jewish communitiesSamech, Taw (degusha)


  • Sfath Emeth, Jerusalem 1987

See also


  1. Ginzei Kedem vol. 4 p 54
  2. The Sfat Emet linguistic work quoted by "The Copper scroll--3Q15: a reevaluation : a new reading, translation, and commentary" - Judah K. Lefkovits (Brill, 2000), p. 560
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