Beef and Butt Beer

"Beef and butt beer, against mum and pumpernickle" An 8-page drinking song published in 1743 in London.[1]

A protest song published with the specific intent of stirring up trouble for the King. At the time this was George II of Great Britain who, like his father George I of Great Britain had not been born in England, but instead was originally from Germany.

The song was kind of a hate song against Germans.

In one of the verses of the song "Calvert’s Butt" is compared as a crystal clear alternative to "Muddy Mum". The drinkers of the day would have recognized Calvert as one of the main producers of porter beer, one of their favorites. Muddy Mum, on the other hand, was a German style of wheat beer flavored with herbs and, as the term 'muddy' implies, thought of as less pure than the good old English porter.


  1. Anon, "Beef and Butt Beer, against Mum and Pumpernickle", Published for B. C., London, 1743. This work can be found at the British Library
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