
Baggalútur is an Icelandic musical band. The band has achieved great popularity in Iceland releasing a number of highly charting albums. The band interprets original songs as well as popular Icelandic songs and Icelandic renditions of international hits from various genres. Traditionally Baggalútur perform on annual Christmas celebrations with a large following.[1]

Their album Mamma þarf að djamma was their biggest success with the album topping the Icelandic charts throughout November and December of 2013;[2] including the Christmas chart. The title track "Mamma þarf að djamma" in collaboration with and featuring the vocals of Jóhanna Guðrún had an even bigger success in the Icelandic Singles Charts, staying at top of Tónlist singles chart for 13 consecutive weeks making it the biggest selling Icelandic language single for 2013.

The name is connected with the digital online Icelandic magazine Baggalútur operational since May 11th, 2001. The site has critical content consisting of ironic or sarcastic articles and imaginary interviews.


  • Bragi Valdimar Skúlason
  • Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson
  • Guðmundur Pálsson
  • Karl Sigurðsson
  • Garðar Þorsteinn Guðgeirsson
  • Haraldur Hallgrímsson
  • Jóhann Bragi Fjalldal



  • 2005: Pabbi þarf að vinna
  • 2006: Aparnir í Eden
  • 2006: Jól og blíða
  • 2008: Nýjasta nýtt
  • 2009: Sólskinið í Dakota
  • 2010: Næstu jól
  • 2010: Síðustu jól - Jólatónleikar Baggalúts 2009
  • 2011: Áfram Ísland!
  • 2011: Crazy Fast Icelandic Banjo Picking Frenzy
  • 2013: Mamma þarf að djamma
  • 2015: Jólaland


  • 2001: "Gleðileg jól"
  • 2003: "Áfram Ísland"
  • 2004: "Kósíheit par exelans"
  • 2005: "Pabbi þarf að vinna í nótt"
  • 2005: "Sagan af Jesúsi"
  • 2006: "Allt fyrir mig"
  • 2006: "Gamlárspartý"
  • 2007: "Sof þú mér hjá"
  • 2007: "Ísland, ég elska þig"
  • 2008: "Kósíkvöld í kvöld"
  • 2008: "Þjóðhátíð '93"
  • 2008: "Það koma vonandi jól"
  • 2009: "Saman við á ný"
  • 2009: "Þetta er búið"
  • 2010: "Gærkvöldið"
  • 2011: "Ónáðið ekki"
  • 2011: "Lesbískar ninjavampírur á flótta"
  • 2012: "Heims um bóleró"
  • 2013: "Mamma þarf að djamma" (with Jóhanna Guðrún)
  • 2013: "Allt"
  • 2013: "Ég fell bara fyrir flugfreyjum"
  • 2014: "Inni í eyjum"
  • 2014: "Kalt á toppnum" (with Prins Póló)
  • 2015: "Nú mega jólin fara fyrir mér"
  • 2017: "Grenja" (with Salka Sól)
  • 2017: "Stúfur" (with Friðrik Dór)


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