BURT Retractable Bindings

BURT bindings are classified as plate-style snow ski bindings that were invented in the 1970s by Burton A. Weinstein. Their unique feature was two retractable cables for each ski that would extend and retract instead of having your ski come off your foot in a fall.

The Burt retractable binding was a very sophisticated invention and a important part of the development of the carving ski technology.

It was the first and only binding who does not flatten the middle of the ski.

The basics of the carving ski-technology was co-created by Georges Joubert in France. 1975, Joachim Schelb a student of Georges Joubert has by example used this binding together with a Kneissl ski named "Jeans" who was the first carving ski model. J. Schelb has carved for the first time with this ski and the Burt binding 1975 at Sommand-Praz-de-Lys in France.

The Burt retractable Binding was a very sophisticated item, but not enough reliable and solid.

This is a link to a picture of this binding:



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