Azhanti High Lightning

Azhanti High Lightning is a science-fiction wargame published by Game Designers Workshop. The title represents the name of the fictional starship that provides the game's setting.


The game is a "square and counter" supplement to Traveller, and was developed from Snapshot, a game of starship boarding and room-to-room fighting.[1] It depicts close-action combat between individuals on board a large military starship. Each turn represents 15 seconds, each square 1.5 meters. A counter represents one animal, robot or individual.


William A. Barton reviewed Azhanti High Lightning in The Space Gamer No. 32.[2] Barton commented that in spite of its flaws, "Azhanti High Lightning still rates high in quality - far above the releases of a lot of other companies. It stands as a welcome addition to the Traveller family of games and deserves a place on the shelf of any science fiction gamer who enjoys a well-designed game that offers both complexity and playability. Designers Marc Miller and Frank Chadwick deserve a hefty round of applause for this offering. One wonders what they'll come up with next. All I can say is, after Azhanti High Lightning, Traveller game 4 is going to have to be a real planet-buster to compete."[2]

Azhanti High Lightning was awarded the Charles S. Roberts Award for "Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Game of 1980".[3]


  1. P. Harrigan, M.G. Kirschenbaum & J.F. Dunnigan (2016). Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. p. 79.
  2. 1 2 Barton, William A. (October 1980). "Featured Review: Azhanti High Lightning". The Space Gamer. Steve Jackson Games (32): 12–13.
  3. "The 1980 Origins Awards". The Game Manufacturers Association. Archived from the original on 2012-12-16.

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