Attack on Sudbury

Marker commemorating the attack

The Attack on Sudbury (April 21, 1676) was a raid and battle of King Philip's War, fought in Sudbury, Massachusetts. Before the attack, Native Americans gathered on Pompositticut Hill (also known as Summer Hill in what is now Maynard, Massachusetts) and decided to attack Sudbury instead of Concord.[1] The town was surprised by Algonquian raiders at dawn, but security precautions limited the damage to unoccupied homesteads. Reinforcements that arrived from nearby towns were drawn into ambushes by the Algonquians; Marlborough Captain Samuel Wadsworth lost his life and half of a 60-man militia in such an ambush. Afterwards, Algonquians made their way through much of Sudbury, but were held off by John Grout and handful of men until colonial reinforcements arrived to help in the defense.


  1. Gutteridge, William H. (1921). A Brief History of the Town of Maynard, Massachusetts. Maynard, MA: Town of Maynard, p. 13-16

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