Association of Czech Chemical Societies

The Association of Czech Chemical Societies (ASČCH, Cz. Asociace českých chemických společností) was established in 1998 under the Agreement of establishing ASČCH, which together included: Czech Chemical Society (CSCH),[1] Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry (ČSPCH),[2] Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (ČSCHI)[3] and the Czech Committee for chemistry (ČKCH, Czech affiliate of IUPAC). The Association was established as a joint representative and coordinating body of the Contracting Parties and is without legal personality. It is an open institution, accessible extensions of other organizations, associations and legal persons with a positive attitude towards chemistry. A prerequisite for memberships is an agreement with the content of the contract on creation of the Association in 1998. In 2002 the Central Commission of Chemistry Olympiad (ÚKCHO) became a member and in 2003 a collaboration with the Association of Chemical Industry (SCHP) begain which brings together primarily chemical production enterprises in the Czech Republic. Also a result of this collaboration, the journal Chemické listy was founded.[4]


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