Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative

Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative
Udruženje za jugoslovensku demokratsku inicijativu / Udruženje za jugoslavensku demokratsku inicijativu
Founded 1990
European affiliation None
International affiliation None

The Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative (Serbo-Croatian: Udruženje za jugoslovensku/jugoslavensku demokratsku inicijativu, UJDI) was a political party in SFR Yugoslavia. It ran in elections in SR Serbia.

It was founded in Zagreb in 1988 by a group of left-leaning intellectuals, notably its first president was Branko Horvat, the second president was Nebojša Popov, its director was Žarko Puhovski and the members included Bogdan Bogdanović, Milan Kangrga, Lev Kreft, Shkëlzen Maliqi, Vesna Pešić, Koča Popović, Milorad Pupovac, Ljubomir Cuculovski, Ljubiša Ristić, Božidar Gajo Sekulić, Rudi Supek, Ljubomir Tadić, Dubravka Ugrešić, Predrag Vranicki, Nenad Zakošek, Jug Grizelj.

A Slovenian affiliate of the party was also founded under the leadership of the sociologist Rastko Močnik,[1] but it ceased functioning even before the 1990 multy-party elections.

In the Serbian parliamentary election, 1990, it obtained 0,5% and won 1 seats.

In the Serbian presidential election, 1990, Ivan Đurić ran as the common candidate of UJDI and the Union of Reform Forces and won 5,5% of the vote, finishing in the third place.

In 1992, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, its Serbian branch merged into the Civil Alliance of Serbia.


  1. Božo Repe, Slovenci v osemdesetih letih, (Ljubljana 2001), 51.
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