Artemic Khalatov

Artemic Bagratovich Khalatov
Артемий Багратович Халатов
Head and shoulders photograph
Khalatov, 7 November 1919 at the celebrations of the second anniversary of the October Revolution
Vice President Moscow Food Commission

Artemic Bagratovich Khalatov (15 (27) April 1894 - 27 October 1938)[1] was a Bolshevik revolutionary who ran Gosizdat, the State Publishing House, from 1927-1930.

Although official biographies described him as coming from a working class background more recent research has shown that he was born in the family of a wealthy merchant.[2]


  1. "Халатов Арташес Багратович". Retrieved 22 June 2018.
  2. "Говорит Москва. Артемий Багратович ХАЛАТОВ". Retrieved 22 June 2018.
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