Arnfinn Haram

Arnfinn Andreas Haram O.P. (September 25, 1948 - 10, June 2012) was a Norwegian Dominican brother, social debater and nonfiction author, born in Ålesund, raising in Haram municipality in Sunnmøre, and dying in Oslo.


Haram was educated at the Faculty of Theology in Oslo and became a priest in the Norwegian Church in Loddefjord and Laksevåg, both Bergen's boroughs. However in 1998 Haram converted to the Latin Church. He made his eternal vows in 2002 and became a Catholic priest in 2003. Haram studied at Angelicum in Rome, where he became a licentiate in theology in 2008 at a dissertation on Cardinal Newman. From 2009 until his death Haram was the superior (monastery) of the Saint Dominic's Church and monastery in Oslo. He was an avid and feared participant in the social debate, and was a firm and highly respected writer in the daily newspaper Klassekampen.


  • Christian oppseding and church identity: an assessment of IKO with a particular focus on the people's church problem. Oslo, 1978.
  • The deanesthetic rule: Reformational heritage and current program. Oslo, 1979.
  • Three florentiners: essay and articles on religion, culture and society: 2003-2009 (foreword by Jon Michelet). Efrem publisher, 2009.
  • Babylonian harp (afterword by Knut Olav Åmås). Efrem publisher, 2013.
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