Hermas of Dalmatia

Hermes of Dalmatia (Greek: Ἑρμᾶς) is numbered among the Seventy Disciples. He was bishop in Dalmatia. He is referenced in Romans 16:14, and his feast days are celebrated on April 8 with his fellow martyrs, and on January 4 among the Seventy.


Troparion (Tone 1)

Let us praise in hymns the six–fold choir of Apostles:
Herodion and Agabus,
Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon and holy Hermes.
They ever entreat the Trinity for our souls!

Kontakion (Tone 2)

You became the disciples of Christ
And all-holy Apostles,
O glorious Herodion, Agabus and Rufus,
Asyncritus, Phlegon and Hermes.
Ever entreat the Lord
To grant forgiveness of transgressions
To us who sing your praises.

Kontakion (Tone 4)

Like stars, O holy Apostles,
You illumine the way of the faithful with the light of the Holy Spirit.
You dispel the darkness of error as you gaze on God the Word!



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