Anton Kisse

Anton Kisse in 2013

Anton Ivanovich Kisse is a Ukrainian politician, former member of Party of Regions and current president of the Association of Bulgarians of Ukraine. He is a native of Budjak region in Odessa Oblast, Ukraine.

He was one of the 148 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who signed an appeal to the Polish Sejm to hold Volyn tragedy of genocide against the Poles. This statement was the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk called one that can be equated to a national treason.[1]

From 1990 to 1998, Anton Kisse was deputy of the Odessa Oblast Regional Council from 1998 to 2004 - deputy of the Odessa City Council.

In 2002, for the first time, he took part in the parliamentary elections in the constituency number 141, but failed to win the seat. However, in the 2004 by-election in constituency number 136 in Odessa, he became a people's deputy of Ukraine in the IV session.

From October 2007 to November 2012, he was again a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council. He worked in the Commission for Culture, tourism, spirituality and international relations, joined the faction of deputies from the Party of Regions. In 2012 he opened the monument of Russian general and governor of Bessarabia, Ivan Inzov, in one of villages in Artsyz Raion.[2]

During the 2014 conflict in Ukraine and the Russian-sponsored separatist movements in his region, he has been briefly associated with separatist sentiment in the region. He has denying any connection to the separatist movements in Odessa Oblast and even rejected it.

Kisse's daughter Anastasia is a member of the Bulgarian Olympic team in gymnastics.[3]


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