
Anjalikastra was one of the celestial weapons used at the time of Dwapara yuga. This astra was also used at the time of Thretha yuga. In some stories, it is also said that Lakshmana (of Thretha yuga)- brother of Lord Rama used same Anjalikastra to kill Indrajit. According to mythology; on using this weapon on opponent, this cuts the head of the opponent. This astra came into prominence when Mahabharat's hero Arjuna used it to kill Karna.


In some versions of Ramayana, it is said that Meghanada (Indrajit) was killed by the usage of Anjalikastra. Meghanada was granted a boon from Brahma that after the completion of the Yagna (fire-worship) of his native goddess Prathyangira -"Nikumbhila yagna", he will get a celestial chariot, mounting on which, he will win over any enemy in war and become invulnerable. But Brahma also cautioned him that whosoever would destroy this yagna would also kill him. Meghanada also had a boon from Brahma in which it was promised to him that he would only be killed by such a man who hadn't had sleep and food for twelve years and also the person should lead his life without life partner for 12 or 12+ years despite of being married. Thus Lakshmana was only the person at that time whose life satisfied those conditions and thus he was the only person eligible to kill Indrajit. Knowing this Vibhishana requested Lakshmana to destroy Indrajit's yagna. Lakshmana was successful in it and finally killed Meghanada using Anjalikastra.[1]


Arjuna was the best archer at the time of Mahabharat and Karna was 6th best archer after Krishna, Arjuna , Abhimanyu, Bhishma and Drona. On 17th day of war, Karna and Arjuna faced each other and started fighting. As the battle intensified, Arjuna pushed back Karna's chariot 10 steps backward every time by the energy of the arrows, but Karna was unable to push Arjuna's chariot. When questioned by Arjuna, Krishna said it is impossible for any human ever to push his chariot backwards because the chariot of Arjuna contains both Hanuman and Krishna, thus holding the entire weight of the universe. Even to shake the chariot is an impossible task. Being pushed back by Arjuna, Karna began coming forward but then Karna's chariot wheel was trapped in the mud as a result of the curse he had received earlier from goddess Earth. At the crucial moment, he forgot the incantations to invoke Brahmastra, as a result of his guru Parashurama's curse. Karna got down from his chariot to free the wheel and asked Arjuna to pause, reminding him of the etiquette of war. But Krishna spurred Arjuna to attack Karna reminding the way Karna killed Abhimanyu by stabbing him from behind- which are against the rules of engagement of the war. Being spurred by Krishna, then Arjuna used Anjalikastra to kill Karna which cut the head of Karna, leading to his death.[2] In this way this astra was helpful for Arjuna in assassinating Karna and establishing Dharma on the Earth.

  1. SET India (23 December 2016). "Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan - हनुमान - Episode 460 - 23rd December, 2016" via YouTube.
  2. shitalk143 (2 October 2009). "KARAN DEATH mp4" via YouTube.
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