American 5-cent Coin Design Continuity Act

The American 5-cent Coin Design Continuity Act of 2003 (Public law 108-15, 31 United States Code 5101) allowed coinage of the commemorative Westward Journey Nickel Series and mandated that Monticello be depicted on the 2006 nickel, as it had been previously.

The act also established the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee.

Title II of the act amended the United States Commemorative Coin Act of 1996. Organizations receiving funds from the sale of United States Mint commemorative coins were now required to raise private additional funds equal to the amount received from the United States Treasury. Any funds not so matched would be returned to the Treasury.[1]



  • United States Mint (July 27, 2011). Commemorative Coin Reform Act Report to Congress: Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 First Quarter, October 1–December 31, 2010 (Report). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Mint. Retrieved April 7, 2014.
  • Pub.L. 108–15, establishing the American 5-cent Coin Design Continuity Act
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