Albany International BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie

Albany BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie
Court European Court of Justice
Citation(s) (1999) C-67/96, [1999] ECR I-5751, [2000] 4 CMLR 446
Case opinions
AG Jacobs Opinion (28 January 1999)
Court membership
Judge(s) sitting Judge Rodriguez Iglesias
Competition law, labour rights, pensions

Albany International BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie (1999) C-67/96 is an EU law case, concerning the boundary between European labour law and European competition law in the European Union.


Albany International BV, a Dutch company, claimed that it should not be bound by a collective agreement to remain with a collective pension fund, as it alleged it was an "undertaking" that restricted competition. Albany BV was obliged by Dutch law to join a supplementary pension fund for workers within its industrial sector. Albany was in the industry pension (Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie) since 1975. In 1981 it decided the pension was not generous enough. Albany BV entered into an arrangement providing enhanced benefits for its employees with an insurer. In 1989, the basis on which benefits under the compulsory scheme were paid out was improved, making it comparable with Albany’s private arrangement. Albany therefore applied to be exempted from affiliation to the fund. The fund refused Albany’s application and refused to follow the advice of the Insurance Board, requiring it to grant an exemption. The national court adopted the Board’s decision, but stayed proceedings pending a reference to the ECJ on whether the Fund was an undertaking within the meaning of the EC Treaty article 85 (now TFEU article 101), article 86 (now TFEU article 102) and article 90 (now TFEU article 106). If so, it also asked whether compulsory fund membership nullified the effectiveness of competition rules applicable to undertakings, and if not, whether there were circumstances which could render compulsory membership incompatible with article 90.


Advocate General

Advocate General Jacobs gave his opinion that pension funds set up pursuant to collective agreements were wholly outside the scope of competition law.

Court of Justice

The Court of Justice held that agreements made in the context of collective negotiations between employers and employees in pursuit of recognised social policy objectives were not caught by TFEU article 101 because the purpose of competition law was not to affect collective agreements, rather than to regulate anti-competitive business practices. There was no difficulty in compulsory affiliation with a sectoral pension fund, and competition law had no application. The pension fund was engaged in an economic activity, even though it was not profit making. It held a dominant position under TFEU article 102 but this was justified given the basis of the scheme in social solidarity. The Dutch government was entitled to consider whether an alternative of laying down minimum pension requirements would meet levels of pension payments achieved by compulsory fund membership.

See also


  1. Article 7, Ordonnance nº 86-1243 du 1er décembre 1986.
  2. Conseil de la Concurrence, 26 June 1990, Décision Nº 90-D-21 Syndicats d'artistes-interprètes.
  3. CA Paris, 1re Chambre, 6 March 1991, Syndicat français des artistes interprètes et autres, reproduced in Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, 1991, 108: `[L]a prohibition édictée par l'ordonnance ... intéresse toute forme de concertation, quels qu'en soient les auteurs et les victimes directes, dès lors qu'objectivement elles ont pour objet ou peuvent avoir pour effet d'empêcher, de restreindre ou de fausser le jeu de la concurrence sur un marché.'
  4. See the reasoning in the Décision of the Conseil de la Concurrence, cited in note 23.
  5. Conseil de la Concurrence, Avis Nº 92-A-01 of 21 January 1992 Syndicat français des assureurs-conseils.
  6. Kom. 1987:4, p. 61; HE 148/1987 vp., p. 14 and HE 162/1991 vp., p. 9.
  7. KHO taltio 1586, 11 April 1995.
  8. Lov nr. 384, 10 June 1997.
  9. Ufr. 1965.634H cf. Ufr. 1965B.260.
  10. `... soweit sie geeignet sind, die Erzeugung oder die Marktverhältnisse für den Verkehr mit Waren oder gewerblichen Leistungen durch Beschränkung des Wettbewerbs zu beeinflussen.'
  11. Amtliche Begründung für den Entwurf eines Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen, BT-Drucks. 2/1158, S. 30.
  12. Judgment of 27 June 1989, 1 AZR 404/88, partly reproduced in WuW/E VG 347.
  13. Letter of the Bundeskartellamt of 31 January 1961 - Z 2 - 121 100 - 465/60, reproduced in WuW/E BKartA 339.
  14. Written submissions of the Bundeskartellamt in proceedings before the Landgericht Berlin of 3 April 1989 - P-178/88, summarised in WuW 1989, pp. 563 and 564.
  15. Judgment of the Kammergericht of 21 February 1990 - Kart. U 4357/89, reproduced in WuW/E OLG 4531.
  16. Written submissions of the Bundeskartellamt in proceedings before the Landgericht Berlin of 3 April 1989 - P-178/88, summarised in WuW 1989, pp. 563 and 564
  17. R. Whish, Competition Law, Butterworths, 3rd edition, 1993, at p. 77. See also, under the former Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976, the employment exceptions in section 9(6) (goods) and section 18(6) (services): agreements relating to remuneration, conditions of employment, hours of work and working conditions were not registrable.
  18. Labour Practices in TV and Film-making, Cm 666 (1989).
  19. 'Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States or with foreign nations is hereby declared to be illegal.'
  20. Duplex Printing Press Co. v Deering, 254 US 443.
  21. 312 US 219
  22. Connell Construction v Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No 100, 2 June 1975, 421 US 616.
  23. 7 June 1965, 381 US 657
  24. 7 June 1965, 381 US 676
  25. 116 S. Ct. 2116 (1996)
  26. Joined Cases 209/84 to 213/84 Ministère public v Asjes, cited in note 47, paragraph 40 of the judgment; Case 66/86 Ahmed Saeed Flugreisen and Others v Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs [1989] ECR 803.
  27. Case C-393/92 Almelo [1994] ECR I-1477.
  28. Case 172/80 Züchner v Bayerische Vereinsbank [1981] ECR 2021, paragraphs 6 to 9 of the judgment.
  29. Case 45/85 Verband der Sachversicherer v Commission [1987] ECR 405.
  30. Case 45/85, cited in note 51, paragraph 15 of the judgment.
  31. Case C-41/90 Höfner and Elser [1991] ECR I-1979.
  32. Case C-55/96 [1997] ECR I-7119.
  33. Joined Cases C-159/91 and C-160/91 Poucet and Pistre [1993] ECR I-637.
  34. Case C-244/94 Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances [1995] ECR I-4013.
  35. Case C-70/95 Sodemare and Others v Regione Lombardia [1997] ECR I-3395, paragraph 43 of the judgment.
  36. Case C-280/93 Germany v Council [1994] ECR I-4973, paragraphs 78 and 87 of the judgment.


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