Acanthocotyle elegans

Acanthocotyle elegans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Monogenea
Subclass: Monopisthocotylea
Order: Gyrodactylidea
Family: Acanthocotylidae
Genus: Acanthocotyle
Species: A. elegans
Binomial name
Acanthocotyle elegans

Acanthocotyle elegans is a species of monogenean fish skin parasites.[2]


  1. Note elmintologiche. FS Monticelli Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli 4, 189-208, 1890
  2. The fine structure and function of the adult epidermis of two skin parasitic monogeneans, Entobdella soleae and Acanthocotyle elegans. KM Lyons, Parasitology, 1970

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