2008 Constitution of Myanmar

2008 Constitution of Myanmar
Page one of the original copy of the Constitution
Created 9 April 2008
Ratified 29 May 2008
Purpose To replace the 1974 Constitution of Burma

The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008) is the third Constitution of Myanmar after 1947 and 1974 constitutions which were aborted by military coups. It is part of the seven steps road map announced by then Prime Minister of State Peace and Development Council government General Khin Nyunt on 30 August 2003. One of the seven steps include recalling of National Convention for the drafting of new constitution which was adjourned on 31 March 1996 by State Law and Order Restoration Council government.[1]

The convention began on 17 May 2004 attended by 1076 of invited delegates and representatives from 25 ethnic ceasefire groups. After several sessions since 1993 the convention was concluded with the adoption of fundamental principles for constitution drafting commission with member of 54 which was later formed by SPDC. On 19 February 2008, The SPDC announced that the commission had finalised the drafted constitution and planned to approve through referendum in May 2008.[2]

On 10 May 2008 (24 May 2008 in some townships) the Constitutional referendum was held in Myanmar and SPDC announced 93.82% of the voters favored it however there has been wide spread criticism of the process as the Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar a few days before the referendum and free and fairness of the overall process.[3]

The Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) retain significant control of the government under the 2008 constitution. 25% of seats in the Parliament of Myanmar are reserved for serving military officers. The ministries of home, border affairs and defense have to be headed by a serving military officer.[4][5] The military also appoints one of the country's two vice presidents.[6] Hence, the country's civilian leaders have little influence over the security establishment.[7][8]

See also


  1. "The National Convention".
  2. "Chronology of Burma's constitutional Process" (PDF).
  3. "A Preliminary Report on the referendum of May 10,2008" (PDF).
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-35457290/why-does-military-still-keep-25-of-the-seats-myanmar-parliament
  5. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/12/opinions/myanmar-aung-san-suu-kyi-military/index.html
  6. https://www.mmtimes.com/national-news/19670-managing-the-defence-and-security-council.html
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-35457290/why-does-military-still-keep-25-of-the-seats-myanmar-parliament
  8. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/12/opinions/myanmar-aung-san-suu-kyi-military/index.html
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