
İye (sometimes İne or Eğe; Chuvash: Ийӗ, İyĕ; Tatar: Ия, İyä; Sakha: Иччи, İççi; Turkmen: Eýe, Эе; Tuvan: Ээ, Ee; Uzbek: Ega, Эга; Ottoman Turkish: اي or ٳي; Russian: Ийе, Ije) is a deity or spirit in Turkic mythology who is a guardian, patron or protector[1] of a place, person, lineage, nation, natural assets or an animal.

Master spirits

The term means owner, master, lord, possessor in Turkic languages. Ezen (familiar spirit, protector spirit) has the same meaning (owner, possessor) in Mongolian language.[2]

An İye guides, helps, or protects animals, individuals, lineages, nations, and even inanimate assets such as mountains or rivers. According to the shamanic worldview, everything is alive, bearing an inherent virtue and power. In this context power animals represent a person's connection to all life, their qualities of character, and their power. They are the helping or ministering spirit or familiar which empowers individuals and is essential for success in any venture undertaken. It is believed that most persons have power animals, or tutelary spirits, which empower and protect them from harm – this is comparable to guardian spirits or angels. In these traditions, the İye may also lend the wisdom or attributes of its kind to those under its protection.

Also each town or city had one or more İye, whose protection was considered particularly vital in time of war and siege. An İye is spirit who is regarded as the tutelary spirit or protector of a nation, place, clan, family, or person.

Well-known İyes

  1. Su iyesi: Spirit of water.
  2. Od iyesi: Spirit of fire.
  3. Ev iyesi: Household spirit of house.
  4. Yel iyesi: Spirit of wind.
  5. Dağ iyesi: Protector spirit of mountains.
  6. Orman iyesi: Protector spirit of forest.
  7. Irmak iyesi: Owner of river.
  8. Abzar iyesi: Owner of courtyard.
  9. Yer iyesi: Sacred spirit of earth.

Other spirits

These are at the orter of other İyes.[3]

  1. Aran iyesi, Damız iyesi, Kitre iyesi: Spirit of stable.
  2. Avul iyesi, Köy iyesi, Bucak iyesi: Spirit of village.
  3. Ağaç iyesi, Yığaç iyesi: Spirit of tree.
  4. Bulak iyesi, Pınar iyesi, Çeşme iyesi: Spirit of fountain.
  5. Değirmen iyesi: Spirit of mill.
  6. Ekin iyesi, Arış iyesi: Spirit of corn.
  7. Ergene iyesi, Urkay iyesi, Şahta iyesi: Spirit of mine pit.
  8. Mal iyesi, Sığır iyesi: Spirit of cattle.
  9. Kıla iyesi, Hayvan iyesi: Spirit of animals.
  10. Otağ iyesi, Çadır iyesi, Çerge İyesi: Spirit of tent.
  11. Söğök iyesi, Gur iyesi, Gömüt İyesi: Spirit of grave.
  12. Tarla iyesi, Basu iyesi, Etiz İyesi: Spirit of field.
  13. Toplak iyesi, Mescid iyesi: Spirit of mosque.
  14. Yol iyesi, Yolak iyesi: Spirit of road.
  15. Yunak iyesi, Hamam iyesi, Cağlık iyesi: Spirit of bath.
  16. Ören iyesi, Peg iyesi, Çaldıbar iyesi: Spirit of ruins.
  17. İn iyesi, Mağara iyesi, Ünkür iyesi: Spirit of cave.
  18. Bulut iyesi: Spirit of clouds.

See also


  1. Türk Mitolojisi Ansiklopedik Sözlük, Celal Beydili, Yurt Yayınevi (Page - 258)
  2. Mongolian Dictionary, Andras Rajki ("ezen", "etseg")
  3. Türk Söylence Sözlüğü (Turkish Mythological Dictionary), Deniz Karakurt, (OTRS: CC BY-SA 3.0)
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