< HTML < Overzicht tags


  1. Verklarende woordenlijst
  2. Overzicht tags
  3. Overzicht attributen
  4. Andere cursussen



HTML-code: Een voorbeeld van het gebruik van de label-tag

<form name="input" action="">
  <input type="checkbox" name="wiki" id="wikipedia" />
  <label for="wikipedia">Wikipedia</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="wiki" id="wikibooks" />
  <label for="wikibooks">Wikibooks</label>

Optionele attributen


Waarde: id van een invoerveld






Mogelijke inhoud

a, abbr, acronym, applet, b, basefont, bdo, big, br, button, cite, code, dfn, em, font, i, iframe, img, input, kbd, map, object, q, s, samp, script, select, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, textarea, tt, u, var

Mag staan in


Opgenomen in HTML 4.01 transitional, frameset en strict.

Meer informatie

HTML elementen

a | abbr | acronym | address | applet | area | b | base | basefont | bdo | big | blockquote | body | br | button | caption | center | cite | code | col | colgroup | dd | del | dfn | dir | div | dl | dt | em | fieldset | font | form | frame | frameset | head | hr | html | hx | i | iframe | img | input | ins | kbd | label | legend | li | link | map | menu | meta | noframes | noscript | object | ol | optgroup | option | p | param | pre | q | s en strike | samp | script | select | small | span | s en strike | strong | style | sub | sup | table | tbody | td | textarea | tfoot | th | thead | title | tr | tt | u | ul | var

Nieuwe elementen die zullen worden geïntroduceerd met HTML 5

article | aside | audio | canvas | command | datalist | details | dialog | embed | figure | footer | header | hgroup | keygen | mark | meter | nav | output | progress | rp | rt | ruby | section | source | time | video


This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.