< Using Ubuntu Linux

Your (user account) "Home Folder" & file system

1. Create one folder to keep all your stuff in: music, documents, porn, etc.; (call it "My Stuff", or whatever you want to call it) make sub-folders as needed within that.
This separates your working files from the other items (mostly "Hidden") in your (user account) "Home Folder", like settings & configuration files for various programs. That makes things easier if you want to copy (or back up, or move, or etc...) your stuff without affecting the other files & sub-folders in your home folder, it's also tidier if you're an advanced user & want to work with those other files (there are reasons you might want to copy, back up, move, or etc... your entire home folder, but that's another matter, to be discussed elsewhere). It's roughly analogous to the "My Documents" folder in Windows, although it's d.i.y. & without some of the built-in features.
A "stuff" folder can be created anywhere (if you have the necessary levels of access/permissions), but the most logical place would be inside your home folder; either in the main folder itself, or on the desktop. Your home folder is normally "private" & unavailable to anyone unless they are logged in to your account, or have root/sudo privileges. You can change the "Permissions" settings on folders (or files & sub-folders within) to allow other people to have various kinds & degrees of access as desired.
You could also create a "stuff" folder on the main file system in the root folder (or elsewhere), if you want to allow broader access (not recommended).
Once you've created a "my stuff" folder, you can put shortcuts to it wherever you find them handy; on the desktop (if you created the folder on your desktop, an icon for it will appear there automatically), on the "Panel(s)", in the "Places" drop-down menu, or just about any place that you can think of...

Desktop Effects

Desktop Effects make Ubuntu fun and easier to use. There are a lot of effects in Ubuntu. Desktop effects are optional, and it is not necessary to have them turned on. To enable these, CompizConfig Settings Manager has to be installed in Ubuntu.


  1. Open the terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+t on your keyboard.
  2. Type the following into the terminal:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra

Enabling and Configuring Effects

When you have finished installing ccsm, open the dash and type "ccsm". If you use Ubuntu 10.10 or older open it from the applications menu.[citation needed] Click on CompizConfig Settings Manager to open it. Scroll down until you reach the effects subheading. To enable an effect, tick the box (☑) near its icon.

Resetting Compiz

To quickly and easily revert your desktop effects, press ctrl+alt+F1. Type your username and password. Now, type the following:

dconf reset -f /org/compiz/

Press ctrl+alt+F7.[1] Now all the non-default settings in CompizConfig will be reset to default.



1. If you use the "Bookmarks Toolbar", consolidate all of your bookmarks into the "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder", & sub folders as appropriate (A, B, C,; 1, 2, 3,; categories; the Dewey Decimal System... ). It makes things much tidier, easier to access, & easier to keep organized. The menus are slightly less twitchy too, you won't get bumped into "Tools" or "History" by accident. The only drawback is finding a good place to keep your secret stash of samizdata links...


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