< US Internet Law

This book deals with the subject of the law as it relates to the Internet in general and to various topics in particular. Most of the material will be oriented toward United States law as that is where most of the legal issues become raised, but where material is from other countries it will be identified.

Note that the protections granted by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States are either unavailable or much weaker in other countries.

Internet Law:
Table of Contents · Preface · Introduction · Defamation · Defamation - General · Section 230 · Copyright · Copyright - General · Secondary Liability · Fair Use · DMCA · DMCA Safe Harbor · DMCA Anti-Circumvention · Trademark · Domain Names · Content Regulation · Online Anonymity · Communications Decency Act · Online Contracts · The Hold Harmless Clause in User Agreements · Clickwrap Agreements · UCITA · Privacy · ECPA · SCA ·

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